Resource Human-Centered Design Forms

Education Forms From Preschool to College

This session from FormFest 2024 features the South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council’s work developing a single portal to integrate applications for publicly funded programs and services, and the office of Federal Student Aid’s work on the FAFSA form.

This video features two presentations from FormFest 2024.

The first presentation, titled “Keeping it simple: Integrating applications that families need, want, and deserve,” discusses First Five SC, an integrated eligibility and enrollment platform launched in 2023, enabling families to access and apply for over 20 early childhood programs from one portal, with lessons shared to help other states streamline public service applications.

The second presentation, titled “The FAFSA® form: Reinvented after 40 years,” discusses how the office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) is transforming the FAFSA® form for the first time in over 40 years, leveraging the FAFSA Simplification Act and FUTURE Act to create a faster, simpler, and more equitable digital process for millions of students annually.