Benefits Program: Medicaid/CHIP
Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Product Office Charter
This charter defines the goals, scope and organization of the “Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Product Office” charged with planning, implementing, governing, and managing all business transformation, change, and systems modernization efforts related to integrated service delivery, focused initially on integrated eligibility and enrollment.
Driving Medicaid Renewals via the Providers App
The Benefits Cliff Dilemma: Navigating Wage Increases and Public Benefits
The goal of the brief is to encourage policy makers and employers to consider benefits cliffs as they look to create mandatory wage increases, with a look at a legislative action in NYC.
What We Measure Matters: Enhanced Performance Metrics for SNAP and Medicaid Would Promote a More Human-Centered Delivery System
This post from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argues that the traditional measures of program performance say little about the human experience of accessing benefits, and argues for enhanced performance metrics to support more human-centered delivery.
Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Renewals: A Communications Toolkit
This resource is a communications toolkit designed to help states and stakeholders inform Medicaid and CHIP recipients about the eligibility renewal process, ensuring they take necessary steps to maintain or transition to alternative health coverage.
Helping People with Low Incomes Navigate Benefit Cliffs: Lessons Learned Deploying a Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
This report details findings and lessons from a project to develop a calculator to help people anticipate how a change in earnings from employment would affect their net income and information on their estimated effective marginal tax rate.
Medicaid Strategies Making a Difference: A Spotlight on Rhode Island
Sharing lessons learned via the Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, which is working to reduce Medicaid churn, improve renewal processes for administrators, and protect health insurance coverage for children and families.
Challenging the Use of Algorithm-driven Decision-making in Benefits Determinations Affecting People with Disabilities
This report analyzes lawsuits that have been filed within the past 10 years arising from the use of algorithm-driven systems to assess people’s eligibility for, or the distribution of, public benefits. It identifies key insights from the various cases into what went wrong and analyzes the legal arguments that plaintiffs have used to challenge those systems in court.
Screened & Scored in the District of Columbia
This report explores how automated decision-making systems are being used in one jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.
DA 23-62: FCC Declaratory Ruling on Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 for Medicaid
Ruling from the FCC granting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to confirm that federal and state governmental agencies working in conjunction with local governments, governmental contractors, and managed care entities acting under contract with state governments may, under certain circumstances, make autodialed and prerecorded or artificial voice calls or send autodialed text messages to raise awareness of the eligibility and enrollment requirements for these governmental health care programs without violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
Building Human-Centered Benefits Renewal Processes with Client Equity in Mind
Lessons from piloting expanded ex parte renewals in Minnesota
Re-Envisioning Medicaid & CHIP as Anti-Racist Programs
This report puts forth an anti-racist reimagining of Medicaid and CHIP that actively reckons with the racist history of the Medicaid program and offers principles and recommendations that capitalize on the transformative potential of the programs. The principles center the voices and agency of program participants and prioritize direct community involvement at all stages of the policy process.