Topic: Communications
Product Management How to Make Your First GC Form
A short 5 minute demo on how to use GC Forms
Human-Centered Design How GC Forms can help collect data for public services
Case study Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) at Health Canada's experience using GC Forms.
Engineering + Software Development GC Forms GitHub Repository
Repository for the web application for the GC Forms platform product
Human-Centered Design Reforming the Form: A Step Toward More Effective Government
Event recap for FormFest 2023, co-hosted by DSN and Code for America
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion California Draft State Digital Equity Plan
The State of California has released a draft of the state's Digital Equity Plan
Data Cross Enrollment WIC Case Study: A Joint Project of MDHHS and Benefits Data Trust
This presentation from Steph White, Cross Enrollment Coordinator at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services offers an in-depth example on implementing cross enrollment with WIC and general tools for cross enrollment.
Management Working in the Open Feels a Bit Like Showing Everyone My Messy House
Blog from Annie Goodwin about her experience "working in the open" on the development of British Columbia's Digital Code of Practice
Management British Columbia’s Digital Code of Practice Engagement Platform
Screenshot of the British Columbia's Digital Code of Practice Engagement Platform.
Communications Spanish Translation Guide for Unemployment Insurance
Guidelines and resources to help improve Spanish translations for unemployment insurance (UI) content
Communications Tips on Equitable Communication Practices in a Policy Context
Initially created to inform federal staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this tip sheet highlights the importance of using equitable communication and includes tips, guiding questions, and additional resources.
Communications Plain Language 101
Jack Ding from the NYC Mayors Office for Economic Opportunity gives a brief training on plain language writing.
Communications Bias-Free Language
The guidelines for bias-free language contain both general guidelines for writing about people without bias across a range of topics and specific guidelines that address the individual characteristics of age, disability, gender, participation in research, racial and ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality.