Produced By: Academic
Defining and Demystifying Automated Decision Systems
This article suggests that a lack of clear, shared definitions makes it harder for the public and policymakers to evaluate and regulate technical systems that may have significant impacts on communities and individuals by shaping access to benefits, opportunities, and liberty. It presents and evaluates a definition for automated decision systems, developed through workshops with interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners.
Artifice and Intelligence
This piece outlines the Privacy Center’s decision to stop using the words “artificial intelligence,” “AI,” and “machine learning” in their work.
Against Predictive Optimization: On the Legitimacy of Decision-Making Algorithms that Optimize Predictive Accuracy
This academic paper examines predictive optimization, a category of decision-making algorithms that use machine learning (ML) to predict future outcomes of interest about individuals. Through this examination, the authors explore how predictive optimization can raise concerns that make its use illegitimate and challenge claims about predictive optimization's accuracy, efficiency, and fairness.
Unemployment Insurance Technology Modernization Quarterly Roundup
This quarterly research update aims to highlight key learnings related to improving unemployment insurance (UI) systems in the areas of equity, timeliness, and fraud, and monitor for model UI legislation and policy related specifically to technology. Subscribe to receive future editions.
BenCon 2023: Lighting the Path for Equitable and Ethical Public Benefits Technology
The article discusses key takeaways from BenCon 2023, highlighting the importance of creating equitable and ethical public benefits technology. It emphasizes the need for tech solutions that address systemic inequalities, ensure accessibility, and promote inclusivity for underserved communities in accessing public services.
Re-Envisioning Medicaid & CHIP as Anti-Racist Programs
This report puts forth an anti-racist reimagining of Medicaid and CHIP that actively reckons with the racist history of the Medicaid program and offers principles and recommendations that capitalize on the transformative potential of the programs. The principles center the voices and agency of program participants and prioritize direct community involvement at all stages of the policy process.
Centering Digital Accessibility in Hennepin County: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with staff from ODX — Megan Evans Seeds, chief digital officer, and Lisa Yang, digital accessibility coordinator — to discuss their efforts to help center digital accessibility across Hennepin County government.
Shaping Digital Identity Standards: Explainer and Recommendations
A plain-language explainer and recommendations on technical standard-setting for digital identity systems for non-technical audiences
Exploring Rules Communication: Moving Beyond Static Documents to Standardized Code for U.S. Public Benefits Programs
This brief analyzes the current state of federal and state government communication around benefits eligibility rules and policy and how these documents are being tracked and adapted into code by external organizations. This work includes comparisons between coded examples of policy and potential options for standardizing code based on established and emerging data standards, tools, and frameworks.
Project Snapshot: Reimagining the Role of Real Estate in Benefits Delivery
Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) modernized their service delivery by reducing their real estate footprint, designing trauma-informed and user-friendly spaces, and expanding an embedded worker program to improve accessibility and client experience. Through their "Service First" strategy, OKDHS aims to create more equitable and compassionate interactions, reaching vulnerable populations while addressing high occupancy costs.
Unemployment Insurance Email Template Kit v1.0
This kit contains a collection of styles, components, and building blocks to quickly create action-forward emails for Unemployment Insurance programs within the U.S.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include TANF.