Resource Human-Centered Design

How GC Forms can help collect data for public services

Case study Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) at Health Canada's experience using GC Forms.

Published Year: 2023

The Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) at Health Canada works to ensure that both people living in and visiting Canada have access to a wide range of Natural Health Products (NHPs) and non-prescription drugs. A new tool the team at Health Canada used to update products’ statuses on the market is a web form where companies can submit status changes. It was created using <a href="”>GC Forms+Blogs+), so companies did’t experience barriers accessing and submitting the form (it’s accessible, bilingual, and secure). This article discusses the experiences of Christine Monteiro (Project Manager) and Patrick Wright (Policy Analyst) to hear about the NNHPD team’s experiences using GC Forms

This artifact is a part of a collection featured in the Standardizing and Digitizing Government Forms in Canada DSN Spotlight. Explore other artifacts featured in this research: