Topic: Diversity, Equity + Inclusion
Human-Centered Design Ten Ways Customer Experience Can Improve Equitable Access and System Integrity for Unemployment Insurance
This publication shares ten ways states can improve start-to-finish customer experience for unemployment insurance claimants. These approaches can increase overall equitable access and system integrity for UI administration.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government
Issued on February 2, 2023, this Executive Order provides guidance to combat discrimination and advance equal opportunity, including by redressing unfair disparities and removing barriers to government programs and services.
Automation + AI Draft Guidelines for Participatory and Inclusive AI
This working draft resource helps individuals with aligning their work with the needs of the communities they wish to serve, while reducing the likelihood of harms and risks those communities may face due to the development and deployment of AI technologies.
Automation + AI Unpacking How Long-Standing Civil Rights Protections Apply to Emerging Technologies like AI at BenCon 2024
A panel of experts discuss the application of civil rights protections to emerging AI technologies, highlighting potential harms, the need for inclusive teams, and the importance of avoiding technology-centric solutions to social problems.
Human-Centered Design Transformative Research Toolkit
This transformative research toolkit offers guidance on community-led research processes that center lived experiences and drive social change.
Youth How Do Children and Society Benefit from Public Investments in Children?
The federal government's investments in children are crucial in addressing poverty and have long-term benefits across multiple domains, such as health, education, and economic stability, illustrating how support in one area can lead to positive outcomes in others.
Policy Mixed-Status Families and Immigrant Families with Children Continued Avoiding Safety Net Programs in 2023
Despite Biden administration reversals to prior policies, Urban Institute data from 2023 shows that many immigrant families, especially those with children or mixed status, continue to avoid benefits amid ongoing economic challenges.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Enhancing Cultural Responsiveness in Social Service Agencies
The resource explains how to shift from cultural competence and cultural humility toward cultural responsiveness, by applying the two former approaches to deliver services rooted in respect and appreciation for the role of culture in the individual’s and family’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Laying New Foundations: An Anti-Racist Framework for Reimagining Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, & CCDF
This report puts forth a visionary framework with principles for anti-racist policymaking, focusing on Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, and CCDF.
Policy Re-Envisioning CCDF: Toward an Anti-Racist Child Care System That Serves Families & Educators
This brief offers a new, anti-racist vision for transforming the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) into a program that actively pushes back against structural racism and advances racial equity and economic prosperity for all families.
Digital Identity A large-scale study of performance and equity of commercial remote identity verification technologies across demographics
This study assesses five commercial RIdV solutions for equity across demographic groups and finds that two are equitable, while two have inequitable performance for certain demographics.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Strategies to Support Young People’s Access to Public Benefits
The report identifies strategies to improve young people's access to public benefits, including targeted outreach, benefit navigation, partnerships, eligibility expansion, and administrative efficiency.