Produced By: Local/Municipal Government: Agency
City of Philadelphia Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit
The Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit is a toolkit created by City of Philadelphia engagement practitioners and community members to help improve equitable collaboration with the community the City serves.
Project Snapshot: MyFile NYC: Establishing Eligibility for Public Benefits Through Document Management Services
MyFile NYC is a digital platform that allows New York City residents experiencing homelessness to securely store, share, and manage vital documents with the Department of Homeless Services, streamlining the process of establishing eligibility for public benefits. This pilot, launched in 2022, aims to improve service access by reducing barriers like communication and documentation challenges, while allowing users control over their information.
Serving the Citizens—Not the Bureaucracy: A Strategic Vision for City Procurement
Report proposing that cities reimagine procurement as a public service, which can unlock a world of ideas for change and improvement.
Defining a Roadmap for Procurement Transformation in Syracuse
Post from the Syracuse Procurement Team discussing their work in transforming procurement in Syracuse, NY.
User Testing for Community-Focused Design
Example of call for user experience participation from the City of St. Paul, Minnesota.
City of St. Paul User Experience Participation Legislation
Policy from the City of Saint Paul to provide compensation to those participating in user experience research and usability testing.
Project Snapshot: ACCESS NYC & Benefits Screening API
The NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity) developed the NYC Benefits Platform, including ACCESS NYC, to help residents easily discover and check eligibility for over 80 social programs.
Project Snapshot: Mes Aides, a French government incubator, developed Mes Aides, an online benefits simulator launched in 2014 to help residents assess their eligibility for various social programs, addressing the issue of unclaimed benefits. The tool, built with open-source technology, enabled users to quickly estimate their potential benefits but was later integrated into a broader platform in 2020 following internal government disputes over authority.
Rules as Code Demo Day | Demo 2: NYC Benefits Platform Screening API | Song Hia and Ethan Lo
At Rules as Code Demo Day we heard from Song Hia of the NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity and Ethan Lo of the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation who demoed the NYC Benefits Platform Screening API which provides machine-readable calculations and criteria for benefits screening that power the ACCESS NYC screening questionnaire. This makes it easier for NYC residents to discover multiple benefits they may be eligible for. The City is now extending the API to support the new MyCity platform, a one-stop shop for all services and benefits.
NYC HOME-STAT Research Insights Report
This overview journey map of street homeless outreach reflects the business process, and worker and client experience during the period January–April 2016 from initial observation, contact, case management, and placement in permanent housing. The map is displayed in eleven high-level sections, each with individual sub-level sections. Summaries and details for all the sections are presented in the subsequent pages. Each dot represents an individual or agency. Each cluster of dots represents a service interaction.
NYC HOME-STAT Client Journey Map
This overview journey map of street homeless outreach reflects the complexity of the service journey from first contact on street to placement in permanent housing.
STH Resource Guide for Families and Students in Temporary Housing
A guide to navigating New York City’s public services. It was made with and for families of students living in temporary housing or experiencing homelessness and the NYC Department of Education’s Office of Students in Temporary Housing (STH).