Produced By: Academic
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include WIC.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include child care applications.
Dataset: Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Public Benefits Applications
On May 19, 2023, the Digital Benefits Network published a new, open dataset documenting authentication and identity proofing requirements across online SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, child care (CCAP) applications, and unemployment insurance applications.
Gender-Inclusive Data Collection in the City of Boston: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Julia Gutiérrez of the Digital Services (DS) Team in the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and Chief Mariangely SolÃs Cervera of Boston’s Equity and Inclusion Cabinet.
Creating a Culture of Digital Service in the City of Philadelphia
Sara Hall, the City of Philadelphia Director of Digital Services joined the GovLove podcast to chat about her team and work.
People-Centered HR in the City of Boston: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Boston’s new Chief People Officer, Alex Lawrence, to understand how the City is transforming its approach to people management.
Administrative Burden Scale
The Better Government Lab at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University has developed a new scale for measuring the experience of burden when accessing public benefits. They offer both a three-item scale and a single-item scale, which can be utilized for any public benefit program. The shorter scales provide a less burdensome way to measure by requiring less information from users.
Insights Into Hiring for Digital Service Teams
A report examining hiring practices, challenges, and lessons learned of digital service teams.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Unemployment Insurance (UI) Applications
On May 19, 2023, the Digital Benefits Network published a new, open dataset documenting authentication and identity proofing requirements across online SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, child care (CCAP)applications, and unemployment insurance applications. This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online unemployment insurance applications.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include SNAP.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in MAGI Medicaid Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include MAGI Medicaid.
Toward Sound, Explicit Theories of Change for Digital Service Teams
The Digital Service Network is publishing two essays to kick-start new (or super-charge existing) theories of change for government Digital Service teams.