Produced By: Academic
Grounded in Collaboration: Seattle’s Journey to Building a Human- Centered Honoraria Policy
DSN Spotlights are short-form project profiles that feature exciting work happening across our network of digital government practitioners. Spotlights celebrate our members’ stories, lift up actionable takeaways for other practitioners, and put the examples we host in the Digital Government Hub in context.
Reducing Administrative Burdens: The U.S. Federal Government Framework
This brief outlines the U.S. federal government’s framework to identify, reduce, and address administrative burdens through a series of executive orders, legislative actions, and updated policies focused on improving customer experience and increasing access to government benefits.
Identifying and Reducing Burdens in Administrative Processes
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of administrative burdens, offering strategies to reduce unnecessary obstacles in public service delivery, with a focus on improving access to government services for underserved and marginalized populations.
State Chief Data Officer (CDO) Tracker
The State Chief Data Officer Tracker, created by the Beeck Center’s Digital Service Network and Data Labs teams, is a first-of-its-kind resource that tracks the evolving role of CDOs in state governments and their efforts to advance data-informed decision-making and collaboration across agencies.
Crafting Digital Policy in the Open in British Columbia: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with two staff members from the Digital Office—Director of Digital Strategy Amy Kirtay and Team Lead Annie Goodwin, to learn more about the Government of British Columbia's Digital Code of Practice.
The Opportunity Project for Cities (TOPC) Resource Library
The Opportunity Project for Cities (TOPC) created a library filled with resources to help municipalities address local challenges with digital tools.
Ten Ways Customer Experience Can Improve Equitable Access and System Integrity for Unemployment Insurance
This publication shares ten ways states can improve start-to-finish customer experience for unemployment insurance claimants. These approaches can increase overall equitable access and system integrity for UI administration.
Digital Benefits Network: 2024 Year in Review
Recap the work and achievements of the Digital Benefits Network in 2024.
What Makes a Good AI Benchmark?
This brief presents a novel assessment framework for evaluating the quality of AI benchmarks and scores 24 benchmarks against the framework.
Digital Service Network 2024 Year in Review
Explore the publications, resources, events, and convenings produced by the Digital Service Network in 2024.
Scaling Form Improvements in State Government
This session from FormFest 2024 features Arizona’s form improvement capacity building initiative and Massachusetts’ form improvements that were a result of the Delivering a Digital-First Public Experience act.
Education Forms From Preschool to College
This session from FormFest 2024 features the South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council’s work developing a single portal to integrate applications for publicly funded programs and services, and the office of Federal Student Aid’s work on the FAFSA form.