Location: United States
Policy Navigating the Patchwork of State Paid Family and Medical Leave Programs
While millions of workers have gained access to PFML, the lack of uniformity in mandatory PFML programs created a growing patchwork of state laws, differing on nearly 30 policy components across four key areas: substantive benefits, financing, eligibility, and administrative requirements.
Digital Identity My File NYC — PATH Pilot Case Study
My File NYC is a document storage and sharing website that provides New York City residents a safe place to store and share vital documents when applying for City services.
Digital Identity Remote Identity Proofing: Better Solutions Needed to Ensure Equitable Access
This paper explains identity proofing, its impact on Medicaid access and equity, and federal guidance and business practices that support removing identity proofing as a barrier.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion What is Meaningful Community Engagement?
The Community-Driven Policies and Practices project engaged people experiencing poverty in power-building sessions to develop advocacy plans for economic justice. This report offers recommendations for nonprofits to engage people with lived experience of poverty in advocacy.
Policy Pathways to Economic Mobility: Mobility Experiences
Through analyzing hundreds of research studies and surveying thousands of Americans this report identifies 28 life experiences that drive lifetime income, called mobility experiences.
Playbook for Replicating Rx Kids
This document describes how states can access TANF funds for four months of cash payments to families experiencing an acute economic hardship, modeled after the RxKids program.
Policy Using TANF Funds to Provide Cash to Families
The flexibility of the TANF block grant allows states to use TANF funds to provide cash to families through additional mechanisms, at least for brief periods, with fewer requirements.
Policy State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan
Delve into our exploration of the executive orders, legislation, and administrative rules and guidance that shape government digital transformation across states and territories with our database and visualization tools.
Human-Centered Design How Login.gov uses roadmapping to build trust with its partners and the public
Login.gov created a first-of-its-kind, publicly-visible program roadmap and shares tips on how other programs can build their own roadmaps to improve transparency.
Automation + AI AI Data Readiness Checklist
A data artificial intelligence (AI) checklist from the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Change Management Using Live Chat to Meet Constituent Needs in New Jersey: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Services Network (DSN) spoke with the director of OOI’s Business Experience Initiative, E.J. Kalafarski, the director of Business Experience for the State, Jessica Lax, and product manager, Joe DeLaTorre, to learn about Business.NJ.gov’s live chat feature.
User Research Building a User Research Compensation Process from the Ground Up in Saint Paul: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Ashley O’Brien, user experience designer for the City of Saint Paul, MN, about the flexible and resourceful approach she took to reach people across the city.