Intended Audience: Local/Municipal Government: Legislative Branch
NYC HOME-STAT Research Insights Report
This overview journey map of street homeless outreach reflects the business process, and worker and client experience during the period January–April 2016 from initial observation, contact, case management, and placement in permanent housing. The map is displayed in eleven high-level sections, each with individual sub-level sections. Summaries and details for all the sections are presented in the subsequent pages. Each dot represents an individual or agency. Each cluster of dots represents a service interaction.
Working Together – A Roadmap to Human Services System Alignment for Young Families
APHSA established a working group to identify strengths, barriers, and opportunities for better system alignment in human services for young parents and children, leading to the development of a roadmap to support meaningful systems-level changes.
Designing for Multilingual Translation
This resource guide outlines approaches for translating content to improve equitable access to benefits.
Best Practices for Accessible Content
Drawing on the Beeck Center’s research on government, nonprofit, academic, and private sector organizations that are working to improve access to safety net benefits, this report highlights best practices for creating accessible benefits content.
National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services: Promoting Greater Health and Well-Being
This report outlines the guiding principles, policy priorities, and tools for the National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services, aimed at improving health and well-being outcomes through the integration of health care and human services programs.
2022 Benefits Scorecard
This resource allows policymakers, employers, benefits providers, and researchers assess benefits performance for constituents and identify opportunities in market and policy innovation to ensure equitable benefits distribution.
BenePhilly SNAP Demonstration Project
This report summarizes preliminary findings from BenePhilly’s 18 months of operation (June 2010–December 2011).
Make RFPs More Equitable
This article provides several suggestions on improving an organization’s RFP.
Social Listening: Covid-19, Social Media, and The Path to a Better Safety Net
This report describes how the government can use widespread social media feedback and begin to build long-term measures to center people’s experience as an important component of policy design
S.848 – Digital Service Act of 2019
This bill authorizes the U.S. Digital Service to make a grant to a state, Indian tribe, or local government to establish or support a team of relevant experts dedicated to modernizing the delivery of government services to the public through information technology. A state, tribe, or local government may receive up to two such grants.
Helping Policy Makers Put People First: A Step-by-Step Tool for User-Centered Policy Making
Teams crafting policy inside and outside government can use the assessment to center their policy-making activities around those most impacted by their proposed programs and policy ideas.
A Better Way to Connect People with the Benefits They Need
This article explores innovative strategies to improve access to public benefits by reducing administrative barriers and leveraging technology for a more user-friendly experience.