Intended Audience: Federal/National Government: Agency
Talent + Hiring Modernization Lead (IT Specialist)
This is a job description for the role of Modernization Lead (IT Specialist) from the Centers of Excellence.
Talent + Hiring Customer Experience Specialist
This is a job description for the role of Customer Experience Specialist from the Centers of Excellence.
Talent + Hiring Product Director
This is a job description for the role of Product Director from the 18F.
Talent + Hiring User Experience Designer (IT Specialist)
This is a job description for the role of User Experience Designer (IT Specialist) from the 18F.
Talent + Hiring Chapter Directors
This is a job description for the role of Chapter Directors from the 18F.
Talent + Hiring Data & Analytics Specialist
This is a job description for the role of Data & Analytics Specialist from the Centers of Excellence.
Talent + Hiring Director
This is a job description for the role of Executive Director from the 18F.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code OpenFisca Github
Github repository for OpenFisca
Bloom Housing: Affordable housing portal
A modern system that helps people learn about, apply for, and gain access to affordable housing. Bloom Housing is an open source platform that digitizes the process of finding and applying for affordable housing, turning a time-consuming paper process into a 15 minute activity from one's smartphone or computer.
Procurement Iowa Medicaid Enterprise Modernization Effort (MEME) Vendor Engagement Video
As a next step in Iowa's modernization effort, the MEME project released a video describing Iowa's proposed approach and next steps for the purpose of engaging with vendors. The video linked here provides additional information on the project's learnings so far.
Digital Identity Key Practices to Reduce Improper Payments through Identity Verification
This report from the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program outlines efforts to use identity verification to reduce improper payments in government programs, while mitigating bias and disparate impacts.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Policy Rules Database Github
Github repository for Policy Rules Database, which encodes up-to-date rules and provisions for all major federal and state public assistance programs, taxes, and tax credits.