Benefits Program: SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Digital Identity Digital Identity in Public Benefits
In this updated primer, the DBN describes how identity proofing and authentication show up in public benefits applications and outlines equity and security concerns raised by common identity proofing and authentication methods.
Human-Centered Design Summer of CX Webinar Series: Principles to Improve CX
This webinar discusses the White House Executive Order and federal agency guidance for improving customer experience in public benefit programs.
Policy Paving the Road to ACCESS: Early Insights from the Aligned Customer-Centered Ecosystem of Supports & Services (ACCESS) Initiative
Through the ACCESS project, key collaborators have shared insights into current and future opportunities for alignment within their agencies, including potential enablers for and barriers to alignment activities.
How to Streamline Verification of Eligibility for Medicaid and SNAP
This toolkit provides resources for advocates and state agencies seeking to streamline the eligibility verification process for Medicaid and SNAP.
Policy SNAP Keys to Application Processing Timeliness
This document provides guidance on strategies to achieve and maintain acceptable timeliness rates for SNAP benefit approval and delivery.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Benefits Cliffs Coaching with the Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF Tools: Implementation Evaluation of the National Pilot
The Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF tools provide greater transparency to workers about potential public assistance losses when their earnings increase. We find three broad themes in organization-level implementation of the CLIFF tools: identifying the tar- get population of users; integrating the tool into existing operations; and integrating the tool into coaching sessions.
Human-Centered Design Federal Customer Experience: OMB Has Taken Actions to Implement Cross-Agency Priority Goals
The 2021 President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. GAO was asked to review OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts to improve federal customer experience.
Human-Centered Design ‘They’re Stealing Food From My Kids’: SNAP recipients and the struggle against EBT Theft
EBT theft has deeply damaged the lives of the lowest-income Americans. The following insights reveal a system that leaves people in the dark and fails to protect a crucial lifeline.
Policy Measuring psychological burdens in access to U.S. social programs
This report contributes to the quantitative measurement of psychological burdens by examining a case study of a single social program: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, by considering new quantitative measures of the psychological burdens faced by SNAP applicants.
Automation + AI Framework for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Use of Artificial Intelligence for Public Benefit Administration
This framework outlines USDA’s principles and approach to support States, localities, Tribes, and territories in responsibly using AI in the implementation and administration of USDA’s nutrition benefits and services. This framework is in response to Section 7.2(b)(ii) of Executive Order 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Human-Centered Design Improving Access to Public Benefits and Customer Experience: Key Actions and Best Practices
Comprehensive and sustained improvement in benefits access and customer experience requires changes across policy, operations, technology, staffing, procurement, and more. This guide offers a collection of actions and best practices for states to apply.
Data SNAP Community Characteristics Dashboard Congressional District Explorer
This exploratory tool was built to share information about SNAP participation, income, and household demographics within each congressional district. Users may select their own district, along with any other district of interest, and can compare two districts at once within a given state.