Benefits Program: CCDF: Child Care and Development Fund
Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment Modernization Roadmap Report
This roadmap provides a vision and plan for how to deliver modernized integrated eligibility and enrollment for health and human services using human-centered design, modular approaches to replacing legacy technology, change management, and iterative product processes.
National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services: Promoting Greater Health and Well-Being
This report outlines the guiding principles, policy priorities, and tools for the National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services, aimed at improving health and well-being outcomes through the integration of health care and human services programs.
2022 Benefits Scorecard
This resource allows policymakers, employers, benefits providers, and researchers assess benefits performance for constituents and identify opportunities in market and policy innovation to ensure equitable benefits distribution.
MNbenefits Demo Site
Demo website for MNbenefits, Minnesota's benefits application that allows applicants to finish an application in 20 minutes or less.
MDHHS-1171 Assistance Application and Program Supplements
Michigan Department of Health and Human Service's benefits application form.
Growing Up NYC
Growing Up NYCÂ is mobile-friendly website that makes it simple for families to learn about and access city programs, as well as services and activities available to New York residents.
Five Things You May Not Know about the US Social Safety Net
A snapshot of the safety net’s reach, who might be most affected by changes to safety net programs, and what it will look like going forward.
Benefit Eligibility Rules as Code: Reducing the Gap Between Policy and Service Delivery for the Safety Net
This report examines how the U.S. federal government can enhance the efficiency and equity of benefit delivery by simplifying eligibility rules and using a Rules as Code approach for digital systems.
Github page with ACCESS NYC’s code for benefits outreach and eligibility.
ACCESS NYC is an online public screening tool that residents can use to determine the City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs for which they are eligible.
Opportunities to Streamline Enrollment Across Public Benefit Programs
This resource provides guidance on streamlining enrollment across public benefit programs to improve efficiency, reduce administrative burdens, and enhance access for eligible individuals and families.
NYC Benefits Platform: Benefits and Programs Dataset
Data provided by the NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity regarding benefit, program, and resource information for over 80 health and human services available to NYC residents in all eleven local law languages.