Topic: Digital Identity
Me, Myself, and My Digital Double: Extending Sara Greene’s Stealing (Identity) From the Poor to the Challenges of Identity Verification
This essay explores the challenges of identity verification and suggests several paths forward for more equitable systems.
Identity Verification for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims
This program letter from the Employment and Training Administration Advisory System, U.S. Department of Labor to State Workforce Agencies highlights the importance of identity verification in ensuring the proper payment of unemployment benefits and provide guidance to states on required administrative procedures.
Digital Identity Guidelines: Federation and Assertions, Special Publication 800-63C, Revision 3
These guidelines provide technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services and are not intended to constrain the development or use of standards outside of this purpose. This guideline focuses on the use of federated identity and the use of assertions to implement identity federations. Federation allows a given credential service provider to provide authentication and (optionally) subscriber attributes to a number of separately-administered relying parties.
Digital Identity Guidelines: Enrollment and Identity Proofing, Special Publication 800-63A, Revision 3
These guidelines provide technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services and are not intended to constrain the development or use of standards outside of this purpose. This guideline focuses on the enrollment and verification of an identity for use in digital authentication.
Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management, Special Publication 800-63B, Revision 3
These guidelines provide technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services and are not intended to constrain the development or use of standards outside of this purpose. These guidelines focus on the authentication of subjects interacting with government systems over open networks, establishing that a given claimant is a subscriber who has been previously authenticated.
Digital Identity and the Federal Government: Recent Actions and Interest
This short resource guide highlights some key actions at the federal level around digital identity topics in 2022.
Digital Identity and Public Benefits: Announcing a New Research Agenda
An announcement about the Digital Benefits Network's new research agenda on digital identity in public benefits.
NIST Digital Identity Guidelines: Special Publication 800-63, Revision 3
These guidelines from the National Institutes of Standard and Technology provide technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services.
Key Practices to Reduce Improper Payments through Identity Verification
This report from the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program outlines efforts to use identity verification to reduce improper payments in government programs, while mitigating bias and disparate impacts.
The Time is Now
This brief video outlines remote identity verification challenges and argues for updated systems.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Requirement for Interstate Data Matching To Prevent Duplicate Issuances
This interim final rule requires SNAP State agencies to provide information to the NAC regarding individuals receiving SNAP benefits in their states in order to ensure they are not already receiving benefits in another state.
Keynote: Carole House, Director for Cybersecurity and Secure Digital Innovation, NSC
In this keynote presentation, Carole House, the Director for Cybersecurity and Secure Digital Innovation at the National Security Council discusses cybersecurity and identity management priorities at the federal level.