Topic: Digital Identity
Decoded: Digital Identity in Public Benefits
In 2024, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Digital Benefits Network led a workshop to explore key terms related to digital identity, and provide ecosystem-level context on how authentication and identity proofing may show up in the online benefits experience and impact clients. This resource links to the presentation slides.
Recommendation of the Council on the Governance of Digital Identity
The Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity, adopted by the OECD Council in June 2023, encourages its Adherents to develop and govern digital identity systems as digital public infrastructure.
Jurisdiction Data Maps: Mobile Driver License Implementation Data Map
This map illustrates which jurisdictions throughout the United States and Canada have implemented one of six stages of mobile driver licenses.
European Digital Identity
This website provides information on the European Union's efforts to develop an EU Digital Identity.
Enterprise Single Sign-On Playbook
The Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) Playbook is a practical guide to help federal agencies implement or modernize an SSO service for federal employee access to government applications.
DHS Biometric Technology Rallies
The Department of Homeland Security's Biometric and Identity Technology Center (BI-TC) has hosted Biometric Technology Rallies to test new and emerging biometric technologies since 2018. This website hosts information about the 2022 and 2023 rallies.
Design Patterns Catalogue
A catalogue to help teams design trustworthy services that work for people. Categories including informing decisions, signing into services, giving and removing consent, and doing security checks.
Facial Recognition Technology: Current Capabilities, Future Prospects, and Governance
This book explores the current capabilities, future possibilities, and necessary governance for facial recognition technology. The report discusses legal, societal, and ethical implications of the technology, and recommends ways that federal agencies and others developing and deploying the technology can mitigate potential harms and enact more comprehensive safeguards.
What is a (Digital) Identity Wallet? A Systematic Literature Review
This systematic review examines prior studies to offer a definition of digital identity wallets, addressing the growing interest in the concept amid the lack of a generally accepted definition or its features.
The difference between digital identity, identification, and ID
This style guide from Caribou Digital outlines how to talk about identity in a digital age.
Saving Face: Investigating the Ethical Concerns of Facial Recognition Auditing
This paper explores design considerations and ethical tensions related to auditing of commercial facial processing technology.
Digital Identity: Emerging Trends, Debates and Controversies
This academic review covers the broad range of arguments, trends, and patterns from the emerging field of digital identity scholarship.