Topic: Data
Policy Strengthening Analytics in Government Agencies: A Toolkit for Sustainable Data Use
This toolkit offers strategies and tools to help agencies build the culture and infrastructure needed to apply data analysis routinely, effectively, and accurately – referred to in this publication as “sustainable data use.” It covers a variety of subjects – from staffing and technology to collaboration and funding – that can impact the longevity of analytics work in the public sector.
Talent + Hiring Head of Quality, Analytics, and Infrastructure
This is a job description for the role of Head of Quality, Analytics, and Infrastructure from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Data Cross Enrollment WIC Case Study: A Joint Project of MDHHS and Benefits Data Trust
This presentation from Steph White, Cross Enrollment Coordinator at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services offers an in-depth example on implementing cross enrollment with WIC and general tools for cross enrollment.
Data Gender-Aware Guidelines and Standards for the City of Boston Services
Guidelines to support the implementation of the Gender Inclusion Ordinance.
Data Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration
While most data sharing and integration occurs within a legal and governance framework, an emphasis on racial equity, transparency, and community engagement is often peripheral. This report focuses on the importance of a racial equity lens in data integration.
Data A Quick Guide to Data Equity: CDO Insights Brief
Guide with insights from state Chief Data Officers on how to drive data equity initiatives.
Data MOU for Data Sharing Between New Jersey Department of Human Services and New Jersey Department of Health
This MOU establishes data sharing protocols between New Jersey's WIC and SNAP programs.
Data Hawai’i Thriving Children Strong Families Project Glossary
The Hawai'i Thriving Children Strong Families Project Glossary is a tool used to promote common understanding of core business concepts or terminologies used by the Department of Human Services' SNAP office and the Department of Health's WIC team to improve cross-program coordination and support SNAP-WIC data sharing across agencies.
Data Hawai’i SNAP-WIC Data Sharing Memorandum of Agreement
This MOA outlines Hawai'i's legal data sharing agreement between the Women, Infants and Children Services Branch of the Department of Health (DOH/WIC), and the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division of the Department of Human Services (DHS/BESSD) to exchange SNAP and WIC data.
Data Hawai’i SNAP-WIC Data Sharing Framework
This artifact documents Hawai'i's SNAP-WIC data sharing framework developed in their Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports project
Data Hawai’i Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports Demonstration Project: Thriving Children Strong Families Project White Paper
This white paper documents Hawai'i's journey and lessons learned from their 18-month Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports project which laid the foundation for interagency data-sharing and built capacity to analyze administrative data across nutrition programs--specifically SNAP and WIC.
Accessibility Hennepin County Web Standards
Hennepin County's (MN) web standards, which define the required or acceptable quality of Hennepin County websites and applications.