Service Delivery Area: Benefits
Using TANF Funds to Provide Cash to Families
The flexibility of the TANF block grant allows states to use TANF funds to provide cash to families through additional mechanisms, at least for brief periods, with fewer requirements.
Summer of CX Webinar Series: Principles to Improve CX
This webinar discusses the White House Executive Order and federal agency guidance for improving customer experience in public benefit programs.
Unemployment Insurance IT Modernization Grant Projects: Phase 1 Summary Report
This report summarizes findings and observations on the implementation of Phase 1 of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Open UI Initiative, highlighting effective strategies, challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for supporting states’ UI modernization efforts.
Paving the Road to ACCESS: Early Insights from the Aligned Customer-Centered Ecosystem of Supports & Services (ACCESS) Initiative
Through the ACCESS project, key collaborators have shared insights into current and future opportunities for alignment within their agencies, including potential enablers for and barriers to alignment activities.
Modernizing Unemployment Insurance: Lessons From The Tiger Teams
This report presents findings from a review by the Bipartisan Policy Center of DOL’s Tiger Teams initiative.
How to Streamline Verification of Eligibility for Medicaid and SNAP
This toolkit provides resources for advocates and state agencies seeking to streamline the eligibility verification process for Medicaid and SNAP.
The Five Phases of Successful Data Analytics: TANF Data Collaborative Pilot Resources Toolkit
This toolkit provides individuals and organizations with guidance, drawn from learning and experience, on how to use administrative and other data to inform program improvements. It collects concrete strategies and practitioner-tested tools designed to advance these efforts. These materials were developed in pilot projects with local Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) agencies as part of the TANF Data Collaborative (TDC).
Building and Sustaining Data Analytics Capacity: The TANF Data Collaborative Pilot Initiative Final Report
In 2017, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services began the TANF Data Innovation (TDI) project. Its goal was to expand TANF agencies use of TANF administrative and employment data to improve program services and outcomes for families with low incomes. This report focuses on the TANF Data Collaborative (TDC) component of the TDI. TDC provided technical assistance (TA) and learning opportunities to two groups: all TANF agencies serving families on or eligible for TANF, and a select few agencies chosen for the TDC Pilot Initiative.
SNAP Keys to Application Processing Timeliness
This document provides guidance on strategies to achieve and maintain acceptable timeliness rates for SNAP benefit approval and delivery.
Blueprint for the Use of Social and Behavioral Science to Advance Evidence-Based Policymaking
This Blueprint is a whole-of-government effort that aims to provide a resource to assist federal decisionmakers in leveraging social and behavioral science to improve policy and program design and delivery.
Benefits Cliffs Coaching with the Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF Tools: Implementation Evaluation of the National Pilot
The Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF tools provide greater transparency to workers about potential public assistance losses when their earnings increase. We find three broad themes in organization-level implementation of the CLIFF tools: identifying the tar- get population of users; integrating the tool into existing operations; and integrating the tool into coaching sessions.
Federal Customer Experience: OMB Has Taken Actions to Implement Cross-Agency Priority Goals
The 2021 President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. GAO was asked to review OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts to improve federal customer experience.