Service Delivery Area: Benefits
Human-Centered Design Community Partnerships Playbook: How to Create Equitable Partnerships between Technical and Community Experts
The Playbook’s purpose is to guide researchers while supporting and lending authority to community organizations as they advocate for partnerships that will benefit their constituencies. The Playbook aims to provide some answers to such questions as: How can technologists and scientists engage communities in a spirit of partnership, without such extractive practices? How can community organizations work with researchers in ways that benefit their communities and expand their capacity, rather than burdening their staff?
Policy Evaluation of the USDA Summer EBT Demonstrations: Lessons Learned From More Than a Decade of Research
FNS evaluations of Summer EBT programs show significant reductions in childhood food insecurity, but some eligible households do not fully redeem benefits.
Digital Identity Digital Identity Risk Assessment Playbook
This playbook is a method to apply the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-63-3 Digital Identity Guidelines.
Digital Identity Decoded: Digital Identity in Public Benefits (Webinar)
In this webinar, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Digital Benefits Network explored key terms related to digital identity, and provided ecosystem-level context on how authentication and identity proofing may show up in the online benefits experience and impact clients. Presenters also shared a list of resources, including guidance from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), introductory materials, and other research to support participants in continued learning.
Digital Identity Decoded: Digital Identity in Public Benefits
In 2024, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Digital Benefits Network led a workshop to explore key terms related to digital identity, and provide ecosystem-level context on how authentication and identity proofing may show up in the online benefits experience and impact clients. This resource links to the presentation slides.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion System Alignment for Young Families: Shifting Human Services to Improve Well-Being for Parents Under 24 and Their Children
This brief highlights key takeaways from APHSA’s work on young families, starting with an overview of the young families work and its early years, followed by key takeaways and highlights from its final year, ending with opportunities for future work in the young families space.
Summer EBT Outreach Toolkit
This toolkit helps implementing agencies (as well as other stakeholders and partners) promote the Summer EBT program, also known as SUN Bucks. These resources can help ensure families know about the new program and understand how to use their benefits.
Summer EBT Implementation Toolkit
The following documents serve as a resource to assist states, tribal organizations, and territories in preparing to implement Summer EBT in 2024.
Communications Plain Language: Foundations 101 Webcast
This is a video recording of a NASWA Feb 2024 webinar on plain language presented for UI state leaders. Slides are also available.
Policy Moving Because of Unaffordable Housing and Disrupted Social Safety Net Access Among Children
This article shows how moves because of unaffordable housing can disrupt social safety net access for children.
Policy An Updated Measure of Poverty: ReDrawing the Line
This report recommends updating the methodology used by the Census Bureau to calculate the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) to reflect household basic needs and replace the current Official Poverty Measure as the primary statistical measure of poverty. The report assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the SPM and provides recommendations for updating its methodology and expanding its use in recognition of the needs of most American families such as medical care, childcare, and housing costs.
Automation + AI Updates to the OECD’s definition of an AI system explained
In 2023, OECD member countries approved a revised version of the Organisation’s definition of an AI system. This post explains the reasoning behind the updated definition.