Resource Format: Article: Blog
The Transformative Power of a People-Centered, Digital-First Safety Net
Code for America discusses the importance of a people-centered, digital-first safety net. Tools of technology, policy, and good implementation can advance a bold vision that will allow the nation to push through the end of the COVID-19 crisis.
Software Sharing Models
This article provides examples of a range of different software sharing models.
Six Recommendations for Implementing the Next Stimulus Package
The US Digital response partnered with dozens of states, counties, and cities to support them in using and tracking CARES Act grants. This article presents six lessons learned from their work to help governments better assist residents, particularly small businesses and low-income communities.
Renewed Principles of Delivery-Driven Government: Evolving and expanding our vision for how government should serve the public
Code for America initially introduced the concept of Delivery-Driven Government in 2018. This article refreshes its original principles and expands on what the organization has learned to make its concepts clearer.
Overcoming Barriers: Finding Better Ways to Ask GetCalFresh Applicants About Income
County workers typically spend most of their time trying to get income information right during eligibility interviews. This article provides several recommendations for asking about income, accounting for cognitive biases, under-reporting, and complexities in reporting income.
Making the Case for Human-Centered Design in Government
Human-centered design is a problem-solving method that puts people at the center of the problem and aims to design solutions that address the needs of the people. Embracing such design methods in government is imperative to finding solutions that work for the people.
- to provide authentication and identity proofing services to a limited number of federally funded state and local government programs
The US General Services Administration announces that it is seeking a limited number of state and local government partners to take advantage of to administer their federally funded programs.
Introducing a new digital application for health care at VA
Less than 10% of applications for VA health care are submitted digitally. This article describes how the U.S. Digital Service partnered with the Health Eligibility Center to change that, making it possible for anyone with an internet connection to apply anytime, anywhere, from any device.
Default to Open
This article discusses the various benefits of publicly-funded open-source software. These benefits include fairness and transparency, economic stimulus, and support of the Federal Source Code Policy Agenda.
A tool to drive toward equitable policy advocacy approaches and outcomes
A modification of Bolder Advocacy’s ACT!Quick capacity self-assessment tool to incorporate additional equity-centered capacities, engage community authentically, and conduct research in culturally responsive ways.
8 Tips for Governments to Mitigate Call Center Volume
This article describes tangible steps state governments can take to manage call volume.
18F and TTS Office of Acquisition award first assisted acquisition
The Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Family Assistance (OFA) worked with 18F to replace its legacy data reporting system through product management training, user research, and an assisted acquisition.