Location: United States
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code NYC Benefits Platform: Eligibility Screening API
The NYC Benefits Screening API provides machine-readable calculations and criteria for benefits screening that power the ACCESS NYC screening questionnaire.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Near Real Time COVID-19 Income and Poverty Dashboard
A real-time dashboard displaying COVID-19 income and poverty levels.
Human-Centered Design National Safety Net Scorecard
The existing system for evaluating state safety net programs does not adequately capture the human experience of accessing services. This new National Safety Net Scorecard is a more meaningful set of metrics that can effectively asses the true state of the current program delivery landscape and measure progress over time, creating a more human-centered safety net.
MDHHS-1171 Assistance Application and Program Supplements
Michigan Department of Health and Human Service's benefits application form.
Human-Centered Design Mapping the Applicant Experience of Benefit Enrollment
Applicants to federal aid programs face numerous barriers in accessing benefits they are eligible for. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare conducted an extensive qualitative user research study to better understand applicant experience in enrolling in public assistance programs. Based on the results, the study emphasizes the need for simplified, streamlined and less burdensome application processes.
Left Out: Policy Diffusion and the Exclusion of Black Workers from Unemployment Insurance
This article examines recent historical scholarship, archival evidence, and information on unemployment compensation programs to understand the exclusion of agricultural workers and domestic servants from unemployment insurance as an example of policy diffusion.
Johnnie: mRelief’s CRM
mRelief launches Johnnie, a platform that centers client dignity and enables client management from anywhere. Features include client communication mechanisms, assistance for document submission, keeping track of enrollment process, and tracking enrollment metrics.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Implementing rules without a rules engine
It is frequently assumed that when rules are implemented as code, a rules engine is necessary. However, it is possible for policy people and engineers to effectively work together to code logic that drives technological system without needing a mediating rules engine at all.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Growing Up NYC
Growing Up NYCÂ is mobile-friendly website that makes it simple for families to learn about and access city programs, as well as services and activities available to New York residents.
Generation NYC
NYC's official resource for teens and young adults, including: peer & professional support, family support, education, health care, housing, employment, and other resources to help young people thrive.
Policy Five Things You May Not Know about the US Social Safety Net
A snapshot of the safety net’s reach, who might be most affected by changes to safety net programs, and what it will look like going forward.
Procurement Federal Field Guide
Few large government software projects are successful, as current ecosystems in place at agencies do not support agile development practices. This guide provides instructions to federal agencies on how to effectively budget for, procure, and oversee software development projects.