Location: United States
A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide
This guide by Cyd Harrell serves as a comprehensive manual for technologists aiming to engage effectively in public sector projects, offering practical advice on navigating government partnerships and driving impactful change.
Why is it so hard to build government technology?
The pandemic has shown how difficult it can be for the US to succeed with major technology projects. Various leading design thinkers discuss strategies for building more efficient and effective government technology.
What Government Programs Should Measure: How Well They Help People
It is necessary give the public servants who manage safety-net systems the technology tools and incentives to track critical outcomes and meet people where they are.
What does it take for a public interest technology project to succeed?
Successful public interest technology projects require active leadership engagement, robust organizational support, and well-defined project scopes.
Unemployment Insurance Technology Modernization Act of 2021
A bill proposed by Senator Wyden to modernize the technology for delivering unemployment compensation.
To reimagine unemployment insurance services, start small
Building modular, open-source, human-centered software is necessary to create equitable government services fit for the digital age. Nava emphasizes addressing large scale digital service challenges by building and releasing small, modular software components that are loosely-coupled by well-defined APIs. This enables agencies to quickly and conistently deliver services that help people immediately, whilst also building a flexible foundation for long-term technical evolution.
The Transformative Power of a People-Centered, Digital-First Safety Net
Code for America discusses the importance of a people-centered, digital-first safety net. Tools of technology, policy, and good implementation can advance a bold vision that will allow the nation to push through the end of the COVID-19 crisis.
The TechFAR Handbook
The TechFAR Handbook highlights the flexibilities in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) that can help agencies implement “plays” from the Digital Services Playbook, with a particular focus on how to use contractors to support an iterative, customer-driven software development process.
The Ad Hoc Government Digital Services Playbook
A playbook by AdHoc for agencies ready to replace enterprise software patterns with proven techniques from the world of commercial software. These plays can better equip teams with the practices that create resilient, flexible, and customer-friendly digital services.
Streamlining SNAP for the Gig Economy
This issue brief explores how states can leverage existing policy to better support self-employed workers.
Story-driven experience research on pandemic unemployment
Dana Chisnell describes work leading a team of researchers to interview people from across the US on their experiences applying for unemployment and other benefits during the pandemic.
State Software Budgeting Handbook
Handbook by 18F designed for executives, budget specialists, legislators, and other “non-technical” decision-makers who fund or oversee state government technology projects that receive federal funding and implement the necessary technology to support federal programs. It aids in setting projects up for success by asking the right questions, identifying the right outcomes, and equally important, empowering decision-makers with a basic knowledge of the fundamental principles of modern software design.