Location: United States
Human-Centered Design City of Seattle Web Accessibility Page
Webpage to describe the City of Seattle's requirements for all public-facing websites and web applications.
Automation + AI Using open-source LLMs to optimize government data
Companies have been developing and using artificial intelligence (AI) for decades. But we've seen exponential growth since OpenAI released their version of a large language model (LLM), ChatGPT, in 2022. Open-source versions of these tools can help agencies optimize their processes and surpass current levels of data analysis, all in a secure environment that won’t risk exposing sensitive information.
User Research The Ad Hoc Research Thinking Field Guide
This field guide is for digital services and technology leaders working at the federal, state, or local government level. It describes a way of applying research approaches to strategic decision making across digital services.
Data Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration
While most data sharing and integration occurs within a legal and governance framework, an emphasis on racial equity, transparency, and community engagement is often peripheral. This report focuses on the importance of a racial equity lens in data integration.
Policy What We Measure Matters: Enhanced Performance Metrics for SNAP and Medicaid Would Promote a More Human-Centered Delivery System
This post from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argues that the traditional measures of program performance say little about the human experience of accessing benefits, and argues for enhanced performance metrics to support more human-centered delivery.
Communications Plain Language 101
Jack Ding from the NYC Mayors Office for Economic Opportunity gives a brief training on plain language writing.
The Wait List as Redistributive Policy: Access and Burdens in the Subsidized Childcare System
This article theorizes the wait list as an underexamined vehicle of administrative burden. Focusing on the example of subsidized chidl care, the article's findings suggest wait lists as understudied but consequential sites of opaque policymaking that shape access to critical social services and the legibility of unmet need.
Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Renewals: A Communications Toolkit
This toolkit has important information to help inform people with Medicaid or CHIP about steps to take to renew their coverage or find other health care options.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Helping People with Low Incomes Navigate Benefit Cliffs: Lessons Learned Deploying a Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
This report details findings and lessons from a project to develop a calculator to help people anticipate how a change in earnings from employment would affect their net income and information on their estimated effective marginal tax rate.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Benefit Cliffs Calculator
The Benefit Cliffs Calculator helps case managers and public benefit recipients to prepare for benefit cliffs (i.e., declines in benefits due to an increase in earnings). It compares the net resources and benefits available to families under different employment scenarios.
“I Used to Get WIC . . . But Then I Stopped”: How WIC Participants Perceive the Value and Burdens of Maintaining Benefits
This study examines how individuals assess administrative burdens and how these views change over time within the context of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
Improving mobile usability for claimants
Mobile usability refers to the ease with which people can accomplish tasks on smartphones or tablets. A good mobile experience enables people to do the same things they do on a desktop computer while considering mobile devices’ constraints.