Intended Audience: State/Provincial Government: Legislative Branch
Human-Centered Design New York State: Customer Experience Strategy
The New York State Customer Experience (NYX) Strategy is a comprehensive plan aimed at transforming state government services to be more efficient, accessible, and responsive to the needs of residents.
Human-Centered Design Ten Ways Customer Experience Can Improve Equitable Access and System Integrity for Unemployment Insurance
This publication shares ten ways states can improve start-to-finish customer experience for unemployment insurance claimants. These approaches can increase overall equitable access and system integrity for UI administration.
Automation + AI What Makes a Good AI Benchmark?
This brief presents a novel assessment framework for evaluating the quality of AI benchmarks and scores 24 benchmarks against the framework.
Human-Centered Design Participatory Planning to Build Stronger Early Childhood Policy and Programs
The article explores the importance of participatory planning in policymaking, emphasizing how engaging impacted communities improves program design, equity, and trust in government, with a focus on early childhood education initiatives.
Policy Skimming: Tackling SNAP Benefit Theft
The article highlights the growing issue of SNAP benefit theft through skimming and advocates for permanent security measures and benefit replacements to protect vulnerable households.
Automation + AI Public Sector AI Playbook
The "Public Sector AI Playbook" provides public sector officers with practical guidance on adopting and implementing AI technologies to improve government operations, service delivery, and policymaking.
Human-Centered Design Scaling Form Improvements in State Government
This session from FormFest 2024 features Arizona’s form improvement capacity building initiative and Massachusetts’ form improvements that were a result of the Delivering a Digital-First Public Experience act.
Human-Centered Design Education Forms From Preschool to College
This session from FormFest 2024 features the South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council’s work developing a single portal to integrate applications for publicly funded programs and services, and the office of Federal Student Aid’s work on the FAFSA form.
Human-Centered Design Form Accessibility Improvements
This session from FormFest 2024 focuses on accessibility, featuring British Columbia’s work to improve legal form usability and tips from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction on making forms more accessible overall.
Human-Centered Design Bringing SNAP Benefits at Scale
This session from FormFest 2024 focused on how governments are scaling their SNAP benefits programs, with Maryland’s improved integrated benefits application and the Office of Evaluation Sciences’ changes to questions on the SNAP application.
Data The State Data Privacy Act
A sample compromise bill built on existing state laws that meaningfully protects privacy while encouraging innovation.
Policy Community Navigators Can Increase Access to Unemployment Benefits and New Jobs While Building Worker Power
Evidence from the Maine Peer Workforce Navigator program shows that workers and government can benefit from well-designed community partnerships.