Intended Audience: State/Provincial Government: Executive Branch
3 Ways to Get Benefits to the Families that Need Them
In a time of crisis, behavioral science offers insights into how to reduce the paperwork and other administrative burdens that prevent people from taking advantage of crucial support services.
SNAP Eligibility Calculator
Unofficial calculator allowing users to find out whether they are eligible for food stamps and estimates the amount of benefits they can receive.
OpenFisca: Write rules as code
OpenFisca provides a syntax for writing Rules as Code.
Executive Order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government
Executive order by President Biden mandating that governments deliver services more equitably and effectively through simple, accessible, and transparent design.
Benefit Eligibility Rules as Code: Reducing the Gap Between Policy and Service Delivery for the Safety Net
This report examines how the U.S. federal government can enhance the efficiency and equity of benefit delivery by simplifying eligibility rules and using a Rules as Code approach for digital systems.
18F Eligibility APIs Initiative
Github page with 18F’s project documentation and task management efforts.
Technology, Data, and Design-Enabled Approaches for a More Responsive, Effective Social Safety Net
This landscape analysis examines data, design, technology, and innovation-enabled approaches that make it easier for eligible people to enroll in, and receive, federally-funded social safety net benefits, with a focus on the earliest adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Power to the Public: The Promise of Public Interest Technology
This book presents a blueprint for how governments and nonprofits can utilize digital technology to solve pressing twenty-first century issues.
Matching Data Across Benefits Programs Can Increase WIC Enrollment
Although Medicaid and SNAP participants are automatically income-eligible for WIC, many don’t enroll. Pilot projects in four states have shown that matching data across programs to identify these families and conducting outreach to them can increase WIC enrollment.
LA’MESSAGE Demo and Scripts
LA’MESSAGE is a one-way text messaging service developed by Code for America in partnership with Louisiana to broadcast reminders and guidance to residents enrolled in and eligible for SNAP, Medicaid, TANF, and WIC at key points throughout the benefits enrollment and renewal process.
Fast Track: A quicker road to Medicaid enrollment
This issue brief describes the Pennsylvania case study, outlines the historical context, and offers strategies and recommendations for successfully implementing Fast Track.