Benefits Journey: Eligibility
Human-Centered Design NJDOL Benefits Eligibility Tool
A beta version of a screening tool that lists benefits programs that New Jersey residents can use to determine what benefits they are eligible for.
How Well Insured are Job Losers? Efficacy of the Public Safety Net
An extensive literature in economics documents large and persistent declines in earnings following involuntary job loss. Though Unemployment Insurance provides the largest buffer against lost income, due to the structure of the program, the neediest are less-well insured (in terms of dollars transferred and percentage of lost earnings replaced) compared to middle and higher income job losers. This has important implications in light of the historic number of job losses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Policy Does Administrative Burden Influence Public Support for Government Programs? Evidence from a Survey Experiment
It is hypothesized that if information about the existing screening mechanisms is highlighted and made salient, this will lead to greater approval of eligibility-based programs. The results of this study demonstrate the ways in which in which information regarding administrative burden can shape citizens’ support for eligibility-based programs.
A Better Way to Connect People with the Benefits They Need
Outdated, cumbersome and inefficient government processes have long stymied innovation and prevented people from accessing social services for which they are eligible. BenePhilly has helped more than 110,000 Philadelphians, both in and out the workforce, enroll in assistance programs and has unlocked over $350 million in benefits.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code SNAP Eligibility Calculator
Unofficial calculator allowing users to find out whether they are eligible for food stamps and estimates the amount of benefits they can receive.
Human-Centered Design Safety Net Services Built for Outcomes
Code for America helped expand GetCalFresh (a service that guides Californians through the SNAP application process and helps government deliver food assistance to people in need) from a small pilot into a statewide service. They also recently concluded a similar pilot in Michigan along with Civilla and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Communications Promoting Public Benefits Access Through Web-Based Tools and Outreach: A National Scan of Efforts. Volume I: Background, Efforts in Brief, and Related Initiatives
Demand for public benefits is rising in response to continued economic pressure on vulnerable people, in addition to changes in eligibility rules for some safety net programs. This report summarizes existing benefits access efforts, studies the successes and challenges of benefits expansion efforts through a subset of in-depth case studies, and analyzes the potential for sustaining, expanding, and replicating successful efforts.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code NYC Benefits Platform: Eligibility Screening API
The NYC Benefits Screening API provides machine-readable calculations and criteria for benefits screening that power the ACCESS NYC screening questionnaire.
Human-Centered Design Mapping the Applicant Experience of Benefit Enrollment
Applicants to federal aid programs face numerous barriers in accessing benefits they are eligible for. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare conducted an extensive qualitative user research study to better understand applicant experience in enrolling in public assistance programs. Based on the results, the study emphasizes the need for simplified, streamlined and less burdensome application processes.
Left Out: Policy Diffusion and the Exclusion of Black Workers from Unemployment Insurance
This article examines recent historical scholarship, archival evidence, and information on unemployment compensation programs to understand the exclusion of agricultural workers and domestic servants from unemployment insurance as an example of policy diffusion.
Data Eligible Low-Income Children Missing Out on Crucial WIC Benefits During Pandemic
The share of WIC-eligible families participating in the program has declined, though the number of individuals eligible for WIC has likely grown substantially. By working together, state WIC, Medicaid, and SNAP leaders can use data to assess the extent to which WIC is reaching eligible families and enroll more of them.
Human-Centered Design Designing for Connection: 5 Key Principles for IES Solutions That Put People First
Alluma outlines five key principles for a people-first approach to eligibility and enrollment systems.