Benefits Journey: Eligibility
Policy Assessing the Impact of Proposed College Student SNAP Policies
This report examines the extent to which proposed options included in the Student Food Security Act, Let Students Eat proposal, and the EATS Act impact specific demographics of students, either by increasing access or by streamlining the process for qualifying students to demonstrate eligibility.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Strategies to Support Young People’s Access to Public Benefits
The report identifies strategies to improve young people's access to public benefits, including targeted outreach, benefit navigation, partnerships, eligibility expansion, and administrative efficiency.
Policy Navigating the Patchwork of State Paid Family and Medical Leave Programs
While millions of workers have gained access to PFML, the lack of uniformity in mandatory PFML programs created a growing patchwork of state laws, differing on nearly 30 policy components across four key areas: substantive benefits, financing, eligibility, and administrative requirements.
Digital Identity My File NYC — PATH Pilot Case Study
My File NYC is a document storage and sharing website that provides New York City residents a safe place to store and share vital documents when applying for City services.
Playbook for Replicating Rx Kids
This document describes how states can access TANF funds for four months of cash payments to families experiencing an acute economic hardship, modeled after the RxKids program.
Policy Using TANF Funds to Provide Cash to Families
The flexibility of the TANF block grant allows states to use TANF funds to provide cash to families through additional mechanisms, at least for brief periods, with fewer requirements.
Human-Centered Design Tackling the Time Tax: How the Federal Government Is Reducing Burdens to Accessing Critical Benefits and Services: 2024 Edition
OIRA publishes an annual progress report on the burden reduction initiative, summarizing initiatives across all of government, and providing in-depth case studies of various burden reduction efforts, including their impact on individuals, families, and small businesses.
How to Streamline Verification of Eligibility for Medicaid and SNAP
This toolkit provides resources for advocates and state agencies seeking to streamline the eligibility verification process for Medicaid and SNAP.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code MyFriendBen Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable leaders demo their new Colorado benefits eligibility tool in a February 2024 webinar.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Community Insights at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
This video presents highlights from the Cross-Sector Insights From the Rules as Code Community of Practice report released in February 2024.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Benefits Data Trust Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
In this video, Benefits Data Trust staff present their eligibility screening platform including their rules engine, API, and DMN rules notation.
Automation + AI HHS Plan for Promoting Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence in Automated and Algorithmic Systems by State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments in the Administration of Public Benefits
This plan promotes responsible AI use in public benefits administration by state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, aiming to enhance program effectiveness and efficiency while meeting recipient needs.