Resource Management

Memos for a Tech Transition — Building State Digital Capacity in the First 200 Days

Tech Talent Project has partnered with American Enterprise Institute, the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University and New America to release a series of memos to help states make quick, meaningful progress in building technical capacity while avoiding past pitfalls.

Tech Talent Project has partnered with American Enterprise Institute, the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University and New America to bring together nearly 140 government, industry and nonprofit leaders to outline the key technology opportunities facing states in 2023.
These memos focus on how states can improve foundational tools that enable technology delivery, such as talent acquisition, procurement processes, data practices and cybersecurity. They also address five key program areas where states can leverage federal dollars to transform the constituent experience: broadband access, child welfare, education data systems, safety net program coordination, and unemployment insurance. Below are six key takeaways.