Topic: Diversity, Equity + Inclusion
Policy Federal Changes Provide New Opportunities to Elevate the Voices of People With Lived Medicaid Experience in Policy Decisions
CMS finalized a rule in May 2024 that requires states to implement Medicaid Advisory Committees (MACs) and Beneficiary Advisory Councils (BACs) to ensure Medicaid enrollees are better represented in decision-making — this guide provides tips and examples to help guide the process.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion What is Meaningful Community Engagement?
The Community-Driven Policies and Practices project engaged people experiencing poverty in power-building sessions to develop advocacy plans for economic justice. This report offers recommendations for nonprofits to engage people with lived experience of poverty in advocacy.
Data City of Boston Disability Data Standard
The City of Boston's disability-aware standards for City resources and the collection of disability data from residents throughout government processes.
Human-Centered Design Federal Customer Experience: OMB Has Taken Actions to Implement Cross-Agency Priority Goals
The 2021 President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. GAO was asked to review OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts to improve federal customer experience.
Accessibility Vermont’s Digital Equity Plan Summary
A plain language summary of Vermont's Digital Equity Plan
Accessibility Vermont’s Digital Equity Plan
Vermont’s Digital Equity Plan describes the current state (barriers as well as assets) and strategy for implementation in the future.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Voices of Washington’s Unemployed: Highlights and Analysis From 100 Interviews with Recent Unemployment Benefits Claimants in Washington State
Through the interviews, ULP sought to capture details of claimant experience, see how and why system failures occurred, and make recommendations for reform now—before another financial or public health crisis suddenly causes state unemployment rates to spike.
Human-Centered Design Community Partnerships Playbook: How to Create Equitable Partnerships between Technical and Community Experts
The Playbook’s purpose is to guide researchers while supporting and lending authority to community organizations as they advocate for partnerships that will benefit their constituencies. The Playbook aims to provide some answers to such questions as: How can technologists and scientists engage communities in a spirit of partnership, without such extractive practices? How can community organizations work with researchers in ways that benefit their communities and expand their capacity, rather than burdening their staff?
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion System Alignment for Young Families: Shifting Human Services to Improve Well-Being for Parents Under 24 and Their Children
This brief highlights key takeaways from APHSA’s work on young families, starting with an overview of the young families work and its early years, followed by key takeaways and highlights from its final year, ending with opportunities for future work in the young families space.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion How to Improve Unemployment Insurance for People with Disabilities
The report beings by briefly describing the challenge that disabled workers face in accessing UI and the benefits of reforming the system to better serve these workers. The report then presents a list of considerations for UI reform in the areas of administrative process and technology improvements as well as considerations for policy change.
Procurement Syracuse University Procurement Equity Study
Report from the Syracuse University’s Center for Policy Design and Governance assessing the City of Syracuse's equity in procurement.
Human-Centered Design City of Syracuse’s MWBE Online Application
The iteration of City of Syracuse's Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) Certification Application