Topic: Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code
mRelief at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team conducted experiments to determine whether clients would be responsive to proactive support offered by a chatbot, and identify the ideal timing of the intervention.
Governing Digital Legal Systems: Insights on Artificial Intelligence and Rules as Code
This article explores how AI and Rules as Code are turning law into automated systems, including how governance focused on transparency, explainability, and risk management can ensure these digital legal frameworks stay reliable and fair.
Policy2Code Demo Day Recap
A recap of the twelve teams who presented during the Policy2Code Prototyping Challenge at BenCon 2024.
Benefits Cliffs Coaching with the Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF Tools: Implementation Evaluation of the National Pilot
The Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF tools provide greater transparency to workers about potential public assistance losses when their earnings increase. We find three broad themes in organization-level implementation of the CLIFF tools: identifying the tar- get population of users; integrating the tool into existing operations; and integrating the tool into coaching sessions.
Policy Engine Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
In this video, Policy Engine provides a demonstration of their product and API and discusses use cases in Rules as Code.
MyFriendBen Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable leaders demo their new Colorado benefits eligibility tool in a February 2024 webinar.
Digital Distortions and Interpretive Choices: A Cartographic Perspective on Encoding Regulation
This article analyses ‘digital distortions’ in Rules as Code, which refer to disconnects between regulation and code that arise from interpretive choices in the encoding process.
Community Insights at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
This video presents highlights from the Cross-Sector Insights From the Rules as Code Community of Practice report released in February 2024.
Benefits Data Trust Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
In this video, Benefits Data Trust staff present their eligibility screening platform including their rules engine, API, and DMN rules notation.
Shared Values/Conflicting Logics: Working Around E-Government Systems
This paper describes results from fieldwork conducted at a social services site where the workers evaluate citizens' applications for food and medical assistance submitted via an e-government system. These results suggest value tensions that result - not from different stakeholders with different values - but from differences among how stakeholders enact the same shared value in practice.
Exposing Error in Poverty Management Technology: A Method for Auditing Government Benefits Screening Tools
This paper introduces a method for auditing benefits eligibility screening tools in four steps: 1) generate test households, 2) automatically populate screening questions with household information and retrieve determinations, 3) translate eligibility guidelines into computer code to generate ground truth determinations, and 4) identify conflicting determinations to detect errors.
Envisioning a Human-AI collaborative system to transform policies into decision models
This paper introduces the problem of semi-automatically building decision models from eligibility policies for social services, and presents an initial emerging approach to shorten the route from policy documents to executable, interpretable and standardised decision models using AI, NLP and Knowledge Graphs. There is enormous potential of AI to assist government agencies and policy experts in scaling the production of both human-readable and machine executable policy rules, while improving transparency, interpretability, traceability and accountability of the decision making.