Topic: Data
Data Eligible Low-Income Children Missing Out on Crucial WIC Benefits During Pandemic
The share of WIC-eligible families participating in the program has declined, though the number of individuals eligible for WIC has likely grown substantially. By working together, state WIC, Medicaid, and SNAP leaders can use data to assess the extent to which WIC is reaching eligible families and enroll more of them.
Policy California Health and Human Services Open Data Portal
The California Health and Human Services Data Portal provides data on various facilities and social services administered by the state.
Data California Health and Human Services Agency Data Playbook
This data playbook created by the California Health and Human services agencies discusses five plays designed to help Departments utilize data to inform program and policy development.
Data Using SNAP Data for Medicaid Renewals Can Keep Eligible Beneficiaries Enrolled
Medicaid enrollees must renew their eligibility every 12 months, resulting in extensive “churn,” whereby eligible people continuously cycle on and off of Medicaid instead of remaining continuously enrolled. States can use detailed SNAP income data to reduce churn and thus reduce the burden on beneficiaries and agencies.
Data Using Data Matching and Targeted Outreach to Enroll Families With Young Children in WIC
WIC enrollment has declined over the past decade, but evidence from randomized control trials indicates that using data from other programs to identify WIC-eligible families and following up with text-based outreach can boost program participation.
Data Maximizing Linkages: A Policymaker’s Guide to Data Sharing
Maximizing Linkages: A Policymaker’s Guide to Data Sharing
Data Matching Data Across Benefits Programs Can Increase WIC Enrollment
Although Medicaid and SNAP participants are automatically income-eligible for WIC, many don’t enroll. Pilot projects in four states have shown that matching data across programs to identify these families and conducting outreach to them can increase WIC enrollment.
Data How Data Sharing Can Improve Equitable Access to Public Programs
Accessing safety net benefits can involve complicated and duplicative processes that create barriers to access. Using cross-enrollment strategies can minimize the difficulties community members face in getting access to life-saving resources.
Data Fast Track: A quicker road to Medicaid enrollment
Fast Track is an efficient, inexpensive enrollment option to enroll eligible individuals in Medicaid using data the state already has on hand from other applications. Through Fast Track, states can use TANF, SNAP, and LIHEAP data to determine eligibility and quickly enroll large numbers of individuals.
Data Data Steward Playbook
City of Baltimore Data Steward Playbook to support City Data Stewards in running data governance within their agency