Service Delivery Area: Benefits
Digital Identity Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management, Special Publication 800-63B, Revision 3
These guidelines provide technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services and are not intended to constrain the development or use of standards outside of this purpose. These guidelines focus on the authentication of subjects interacting with government systems over open networks, establishing that a given claimant is a subscriber who has been previously authenticated.
Policy Maximizing the impact of direct cash transfers to young people: A policy toolkit
Chapin Hall collaborated with national policy experts, practitioners, and young adults with lived experience of homelessness to create a policy toolkit where tax, public benefits, and educational aid implications for young people participating in Direct Cash Transfer (DCT) programs are laid out in one place.
Data Ex Parte Options and Recommendations for the non-MAGI Medicaid Population to Reduce Churn
As a part of Benefit Data Trust (BDT)’s Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, BDT has created a memo describing policy options and state examples for Medicaid administrators to reduce churn for non-MAGI Medicaid enrollees when the federal public health emergency ends.
Data Effective Strategies to Collect Address Changes from Medicaid Beneficiaries via State Websites
As a part of Benefit Data Trust (BDT)’s Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, BDT has created a memo describing strategies for states to collect current mailing addresses of Medicaid beneficiaries in advance of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement — in effect under the federal public health emergency — unwinding.
Digital Identity Digital Identity and the Federal Government: Recent Actions and Interest
In recent years, the federal government has taken notice of cybersecurity, identity management, authentication, and identity proofing issues. This short resource guide highlights some key actions at the federal level around digital identity topics in 2022.
Digital Identity Digital Identity and Public Benefits: Announcing a New Research Agenda
An announcement about the Digital Benefits Network's new research agenda on digital identity in public benefits.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Project Snapshot: Alluma: One-x-Connection
Alluma is a nonprofit that provides digital solutions to simplify eligibility screening and enrollment for social benefit programs, supporting cross-benefit access in 45 counties and two states. Their One-x-Connection product suite streamlines Medicaid and SNAP applications using a business rules engine, with a focus on human-centered design and anonymous, simplified eligibility checks, having helped screen over 10 million individuals and submitted over 67 million applications.
Communications Texting Playbook: Recommendations and Tips for Texting Clients of Safety Net Services
The Texting Playbook provides guidance and well-researched strategies to help state agencies implement texting in support of Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, and other benefits programs. It provides an overview of how to start texting clients; the types of messages to send, including real examples; Federal Communications Commision (FCC) policy guidance; how to encourage opt-ins and collect consent; how to avoid coming across as spam; and a cost analysis of texting.
Human-Centered Design Demystifying Inclusive Design: How to Design More Equitable and Accessible Products
Inclusive design means making design choices that take into account personal identifiers like ability, race, economic status, language, age, and gender. This resource walks folks through an introduction to inclusive design, focusing on accessibility and equity.
Bloom Housing: Affordable housing portal
A modern system that helps people learn about, apply for, and gain access to affordable housing. Bloom Housing is an open source platform that digitizes the process of finding and applying for affordable housing, turning a time-consuming paper process into a 15 minute activity from one's smartphone or computer.
Procurement Iowa Medicaid Enterprise Modernization Effort (MEME) Vendor Engagement Video
As a next step in Iowa's modernization effort, the MEME project released a video describing Iowa's proposed approach and next steps for the purpose of engaging with vendors. The video linked here provides additional information on the project's learnings so far.
Digital Identity NIST Digital Identity Guidelines: Special Publication 800-63, Revision 3
These guidelines from the National Institutes of Standard and Technology provide technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services.