Resource Format: Policy Brief
5 Things to Know About SNAP Employment & Training
This resource provides an overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) program, highlighting state implementation strategies, funding mechanisms, and policy opportunities to strengthen workforce participation among SNAP recipients.
Better Data Sharing for Benefits Delivery
This policy brief outlines how improved data sharing between federal agencies, state and local governments, and institutions can leverage existing data from other benefits programs to streamline eligibility processes and benefits uptake for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and other programs.
Pandemic EBT Policy + Delivery Memo
Policy memo by Code for America regarding how to deliver P-EBT benefits during the COVID-19 crisis.
Streamlining SNAP for the Gig Economy
This issue brief explores how states can leverage existing policy to better support self-employed workers.
Responding to the COVID-19 Unemployment Crisis and Meeting the Future of Work Challenge
Due to technology’s disruptive force in society and on the labor force, it is necessary to revisit the relationship between employees, governments, and citizens. This report asserts that the next president should immediately sign two Executive Orders (EOs) to address the current work crisis and the urgent economic emergency that has left Americans evicted, unable to pay bills, make rent, or put food on the table.
Resources to Support State Outreach to Non-Filers Eligible for Stimulus Payments
About 12 million Americans risk missing out on stimulus payments provided through the CARES Act. State outreach efforts are critical to connect people to the $1,200 stimulus payments, and the CBPP lists various resources to assist in state outreach efforts on this webpage.
Best Practices for SNAP Telephonic Signatures
Guide detailing best practices for states, counties, and municipalities to adopt telephonic signatures.
Advocate’s Guide to MAGI
The National Health Law Program released an updated Guide to Modified Adjusted Gross Income, including sections on ACA tax filing and reporting, clarification on commonly asked questions about Social Security Income, and updated IRS tax filing thresholds.
Fast Track: A quicker road to Medicaid enrollment
This issue brief describes the Pennsylvania case study, outlines the historical context, and offers strategies and recommendations for successfully implementing Fast Track.