Resource Format: Case Study
Cutting Red Tape for Americans Renewing Their Health Coverage
USDS partnered with CMCS and state Medicaid agencies to improve eligibility and enrollment systems after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ended, focusing on health coverage renewals.
Procurement Transformation in Syracuse: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with API Director Nicolas Diaz Amigo, GPL Fellow Mia Capone, and OMB Director Timothy Rudd to learn more about the City of Syracuse's multi-year procurement transformation initiative.
The Ohio Benefits Program is “BOT” In
This award documentation from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) explains how agencies in Ohio used automation to support administration of public benefits programs.
Standardizing and Digitizing Government Forms in Canada: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with GC Forms’ Senior Product Manager Stevie-Ray Talbot and Acting Head Ioana Contu to learn more about the team's approach to building GC Forms.
TANF Data Collaborative Pilot: Longitudinal Data for Understanding Participant Actions in New York
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Data Collaborative Pilot Initiative is a component of the TANF Data Innovation project. The 30-month pilot offered technical assistance and training to support cross-disciplinary teams of staff at eight state and county TANF programs in the routine use of TANF and other administrative data to inform policy and practice.
TANF Data Collaborative Pilot: Housing Transitions in New Jersey
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Data Collaborative Pilot Initiative is a component of the TANF Data Innovation project. The 30-month pilot offered technical assistance and training to support cross-disciplinary teams of staff at eight state and county TANF programs in the routine use of TANF and other administrative data to inform policy and practice.
TANF Data Collaborative Pilot: Family Characteristics in Utah
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Data Collaborative Pilot Initiative is a component of the TANF Data Innovation project. The 30-month pilot offered technical assistance and training to support cross-disciplinary teams of staff at eight state and county TANF programs in the routine use of TANF and other administrative data to inform policy and practice.
TANF Data Collaborative Pilot: Analyzing Application Denial Rates in Michigan
This brief describes the TANF Data Collaborative (TDC), an innovative approach to increasing data analytics capacity at state Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) agencies.
Helping people access government services through
This case study describes how Nava is working with the General Services Administration, Fearless, and the U.S. Postal Service to design, build, and deliver a new in-person identity verification service to nearly 20,000 USPS locations
Driving Medicaid Renewals via the Providers App
The Benefits Cliff Dilemma: Navigating Wage Increases and Public Benefits
The goal of the brief is to encourage policy makers and employers to consider benefits cliffs as they look to create mandatory wage increases, with a look at a legislative action in NYC.
TANF Data Collaborative Pilot: Analytical Tools for Education and Employment Services in Virginia
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Data Collaborative Pilot Initiative is a component of the TANF Data Innovation project. The 30-month pilot offered technical assistance and training to support cross-disciplinary teams of staff at eight state and county TANF programs in the routine use of TANF and other administrative data to inform policy and practice.