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MITRE at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team aimed to automate applying rules efficiently by creating computable policies, recognizing the need for AI tools to convert legacy policy content into automated business rules using Decision Model Notation (DMN) for effective processing and monitoring.
Hoyas Lex Ad Codex at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team explored the performance of various AI chatbots and LLMs in supporting the adoption of Rules as Code for SNAP and Medicaid policies using policy data from Georgia and Oklahoma.
Tech2i Tralblazers at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team developed an application to simplify Medicaid and CHIP applications through LLM APIs while addressing limitations such as hallucinations and outdated information by implementing a selective input process for clean and current data.
Team ImPROMPTu at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team developed an application to simplify Medicaid and CHIP applications through LLM APIs while addressing limitations such as hallucinations and outdated information by implementing a selective input process for clean and current data.
POMs and Circumstance at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team explored using LLMs to interpret the Program Operations Manual System (POMS) into plain language logic models and flowcharts as educational resources for SSI and SSDI eligibility, benchmarking LLMs in RAG methods for reliability in answering queries and providing useful instructions to users.
PolicyEngine at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team developed an AI-powered explanation feature that effectively translates complex, multi-program policy calculations into clear and accessible explanations, enabling users to explore "what-if" scenarios and understand key factors influencing benefit amounts and eligibility thresholds.
mRelief at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team conducted experiments to determine whether clients would be responsive to proactive support offered by a chatbot, and identify the ideal timing of the intervention.
Draft Guidelines for Participatory and Inclusive AI
This working draft resource helps individuals with aligning their work with the needs of the communities they wish to serve, while reducing the likelihood of harms and risks those communities may face due to the development and deployment of AI technologies.
2024 State of WIC Report
This report celebrates 50 years of improving maternal and child health in the U.S. through WIC and offers advancements, challenges, and solutions for the future.
Visions for the Future at BenCon 2024
Leaders share their aspirations for excellence in digital benefits delivery and their reflections on BenCon and the work ahead.
Digital Identity Updates from the Digital Benefits Network at BenCon 2024
Announcements include the Digital Identity Community of Practice, updates on research with NIST and CDT, and upcoming data set.
Balancing Security and Customer Experience During Digital Account Creation and Authentication for Benefits Delivery at BenCon 2024
This presentation explores the balance between security and user experience in digital benefit account creation and authentication, highlighting insights from a forthcoming playbook focused on SNAP and Medicaid portals.