Produced By: Non-profit
Exemplary Data Use by State TANF Agencies: Beyond Routine Reports and Analyses
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) leaders, policymakers, and researchers all recognize the need for TANF agencies to use the data they collect to better understand how well their programs are working and how to improve them, given the impact on the families they serve. It is often difficult, however, for agencies already stretched to capacity to prioritize and execute data use and analytics. State TANF leaders are seeking roadmaps for how to transform their organizations and become data-driven.
Gender-Inclusive Data Collection in the City of Boston: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Julia Gutiérrez of the Digital Services (DS) Team in the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and Chief Mariangely SolÃs Cervera of Boston’s Equity and Inclusion Cabinet.
The Growth & Best Practices of Municipal Digital Service Teams
A report based on interviews with municipal digital service leaders and key takeaways in creating and maintaining a successful DS team.
Creating a Culture of Digital Service in the City of Philadelphia
Sara Hall, the City of Philadelphia Director of Digital Services joined the GovLove podcast to chat about her team and work.
People-Centered HR in the City of Boston: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Boston’s new Chief People Officer, Alex Lawrence, to understand how the City is transforming its approach to people management.
Insights Into Hiring for Digital Service Teams
A report examining hiring practices, challenges, and lessons learned of digital service teams.
Learning From the Colorado Digital Service
Digital service (DS) teams across the public sector are working to improve how services are delivered to residents. These teams exist at all levels of government and are iteratively using data, technology, and human-centered design to reframe how residents interact with government.
How Digital IDs Can Transform Government Services
Governments around the world are digitizing how they deliver services to citizens. And yet, without a secure and reliable way for people to prove their identity online, digital transformation efforts face a considerable barrier. This panel discussion, hosted by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF), focuses on the potential benefits and concerns surrounding digital ID and identity proofing technology as well as the legal and technical barriers for use.
Digital Identity Verification: Best Practices for Public Agencies
Digital identity verification offers several potential advantages over traditional verification, but these benefits can only be achieved if issues related to privacy and ethical data use are also addressed. This guidance surveys the challenges facing government agencies who want to digitally verify identities as part of improving service delivery, and provides recommendations about how to address those challenges.
Toward Sound, Explicit Theories of Change for Digital Service Teams
The Digital Service Network is publishing two essays to kick-start new (or super-charge existing) theories of change for government Digital Service teams.
A Guiding Framework to Vetting Public Sector Technology Vendors
A guiding framework to help vet technology vendors in the public sector.
Spanish plain language glossary of common Unemployment Insurance terms
This is a working list of plain language Spanish translations and recommended usage for common unemployment insurance terms. All content contained in this glossary has been tested and validated for readability and comprehension with Spanish speakers who have limited English proficiency.