Organization: Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
Talent + Hiring Creating a Hiring Question Bank for Digital Service Teams
Event recap from DSN Webinar: Digital Service Team Hiring Insights and Question Bank
Digital Identity Promising Practices for Digital Identity in Public Benefits
This piece highlights promising design patterns for account creation and identity proofing in public benefits applications. The publication also identifies areas where additional evidence, resources, and coordinated federal guidance may help support equitable implementations of authentication and identity proofing, enabling agencies to balance access and security.
Automation + AI What the Digital Benefits Network is Reading on Automation
In this piece, the Digital Benefits Network shares several sources—from journalistic pieces, to reports and academic articles—we’ve found useful and interesting in our reading on automation and artificial intelligence.
Management Building Innovative Digital Services Municipal Action Guide
A guide from the National League of Cities and Digital Service Network discussing how local governments can implement and utilize digital services.
Automation + AI What the Digital Benefits Network is Reading on Automation
In this piece, the Digital Benefits Network shares several sources—from journalistic pieces, to reports and academic articles—we’ve found useful and interesting in our reading on automation and artificial intelligence.
Digital Benefits Wishlist
The Digital Benefits Wishlist collects on tools, resources, or policy changes needed to improve benefits delivery. Originally created as part of BenCon2023, a conference hosted by the Digital Benefits Network, it continues to grow and accept new wishes.
Automation + AI The Equitable Tech Horizon in Digital Benefits Panel
Hear perspectives on topics including centering beneficiaries and workers in new ways, digital service delivery, digital identity, and automation.This video was recorded at the Digital Benefits Conference (BenCon) on June 14, 2023.
Human-Centered Design Recoding America at BenCon 2023
Jennifer Pahlka, Deputy CTO in President Obama’s Administration and author, shares her new book, Recoding America on how government must be equipped for digital delivery in order to meet ambitious policy goals. This video was recorded at the Digital Benefits Conference (BenCon) at Georgetown University on June 14, 2023.
Recent Developments in Unemployment Insurance Modernization
The UI Technology Coordinating Coalition hosted a virtual conversation on April 13, 2023 focused on recent developments in unemployment insurance (UI) modernization efforts with guests from the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of UI Modernization and the Illinois Department of Employment Security.
Human-Centered Design Lightning Talks at BenCon 2023
Lightning talks on innovative ideas, approaches, and pilots to understand and improve benefits delivery. This video was recorded at the Digital Benefits Conference (BenCon) at Georgetown University on June 14, 2023.
Data A Quick Guide to Data Equity: CDO Insights Brief
Guide with insights from state Chief Data Officers on how to drive data equity initiatives.
Unemployment Insurance Technology Modernization Quarterly Roundup
This quarterly research update aims to highlight key learnings related to improving unemployment insurance (UI) systems in the areas of equity, timeliness, and fraud, and monitor for model UI legislation and policy related specifically to technology. Subscribe to receive future editions.