Location: Australia
Governing Digital Legal Systems: Insights on Artificial Intelligence and Rules as Code
This article explores how AI and Rules as Code are turning law into automated systems, including how governance focused on transparency, explainability, and risk management can ensure these digital legal frameworks stay reliable and fair.
Rules as Code – Delivering a personalised citizen experience for GovCMS
Demo and explainer video of the Australian government's implementation of rules as code as part of their enterprise content management platform.
A cost/benefit analysis of a Rules as Code-enabled transformation
This piece explores an example cost/benefit analysis of a Rules as Code-enabled transformation.
Creating Open Source Legislation as Code
In this presentation, Pia Andrews explores how open source legislation as code can be a public utility to increase transparency, and enable better implementation and testing of government systems.
Digital Service Toolkit
Toolkit of resources from the Government of New South Wales to help design, develop and deliver better digital experiences.
Rules as Code – Test, Learn, Repeat
The New South Wales government describes its efforts to connect with other Australian jurisdictions and international colleagues in its move towards making machine-consumable legislation and policy.