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OECD AI Policy Observatory
The OECD AI Policy Observatory offers detailed information about AI policy and research globally.
Jurisdiction Data Maps: Mobile Driver License Implementation Data Map
This map illustrates which jurisdictions throughout the United States and Canada have implemented one of six stages of mobile driver licenses.
European Digital Identity
This website provides information on the European Union's efforts to develop an EU Digital Identity.
Enterprise Single Sign-On Playbook
The Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) Playbook is a practical guide to help federal agencies implement or modernize an SSO service for federal employee access to government applications.
DHS Biometric Technology Rallies
The Department of Homeland Security's Biometric and Identity Technology Center (BI-TC) has hosted Biometric Technology Rallies to test new and emerging biometric technologies since 2018. This website hosts information about the 2022 and 2023 rallies.
AI-Powered SNAP Modernization: An Introduction to Current and Potential Uses of AI in SNAP Case Processing
This report explores how AI is currently used, and how it might be used in the future, to support administrative actions that agency staff complete when processing customers’ SNAP cases. In addition to desk and primary research, this brief was informed by input from APHSA’s wide network of state, county, and city members and national partners in the human services and related sectors.
Parking signs and possible futures for LLMs in government
Government agencies adopting generative AI tools seems inevitable at this point. But there is more than one possible future for how agencies use generative AI to simplify complex government information.
Government AI Readiness Index 2023
For 2023, Oxford Insights assesses the AI readiness of 193 governments across the world.
How to Improve Unemployment Insurance for People with Disabilities
The report beings by briefly describing the challenge that disabled workers face in accessing UI and the benefits of reforming the system to better serve these workers. The report then presents a list of considerations for UI reform in the areas of administrative process and technology improvements as well as considerations for policy change.
Shared Values/Conflicting Logics: Working Around E-Government Systems
This paper describes results from fieldwork conducted at a social services site where the workers evaluate citizens' applications for food and medical assistance submitted via an e-government system. These results suggest value tensions that result - not from different stakeholders with different values - but from differences among how stakeholders enact the same shared value in practice.
Exposing Error in Poverty Management Technology: A Method for Auditing Government Benefits Screening Tools
This paper introduces a method for auditing benefits eligibility screening tools in four steps: 1) generate test households, 2) automatically populate screening questions with household information and retrieve determinations, 3) translate eligibility guidelines into computer code to generate ground truth determinations, and 4) identify conflicting determinations to detect errors.
Envisioning a Human-AI collaborative system to transform policies into decision models
This paper introduces the problem of semi-automatically building decision models from eligibility policies for social services, and presents an initial emerging approach to shorten the route from policy documents to executable, interpretable and standardised decision models using AI, NLP and Knowledge Graphs. There is enormous potential of AI to assist government agencies and policy experts in scaling the production of both human-readable and machine executable policy rules, while improving transparency, interpretability, traceability and accountability of the decision making.