Intended Audience: State/Provincial Government: Legislative Branch
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include TANF.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include WIC.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include child care applications.
Dataset: Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Public Benefits Applications
On May 19, 2023, the Digital Benefits Network published a new, open dataset documenting authentication and identity proofing requirements across online SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, child care (CCAP) applications, and unemployment insurance applications.
Administrative Burden Scale
The Better Government Lab at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University has developed a new scale for measuring the experience of burden when accessing public benefits. They offer both a three-item scale and a single-item scale, which can be utilized for any public benefit program. The shorter scales provide a less burdensome way to measure by requiring less information from users.
Hiring Question Bank for Digital Service Teams
A toolkit with interview questions for digital service teams hiring digital talent to leverage.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include SNAP.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in MAGI Medicaid Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include MAGI Medicaid.
NASPO Modular Procurement Primer
National Association of State Procurement Officials primer on modular procurement
What we learned from talking to 27 families about their experiences applying for child care benefits
This post explores the lessons learned and opportunities for improvement from USDR's research on families' experiences as they navigate the child care journey.
Why Governments Should Prioritize UX for Everyone
Through our research understanding the government digital service field and what workers in this field need, we want to help strengthen those existing roles and establish more pathways for promotion and career support, as well as help other teams recognize the value of these skills and create new roles.
Blawx is a prototype platform for user-friendly rules as code online. It includes an example encoding of portions of Canada's Old Age Security Act.