Intended Audience: State/Provincial Government: Agency
Unemployment Insurance Technology Modernization Quarterly Roundup
This quarterly research update aims to highlight key learnings related to improving unemployment insurance (UI) systems in the areas of equity, timeliness, and fraud, and monitor for model UI legislation and policy related specifically to technology. Subscribe to receive future editions.
Digital Identity Project Snapshot: Cal-ITP Eligibility Verification for Transit Benefits
The California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) simplifies transit benefits eligibility by developing the Benefits App, which uses to securely verify age-based discounts for public transit riders. The project aims to create a standardized, interoperable system for verifying transit benefits, improving accessibility for low-income and special groups while reducing administrative burdens for transit agencies.
Data Leveraging Cross-Program Data to Modernize Outreach & Enrollment in SNAP and Connected Benefits
This resource outlines three data sharing models tested during the first cohort of the Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports grant program.
Policy TANF Data Collaborative UI Wage Data Toolkit
This GitHub repository includes resources that users of the UI wage data toolkit may find helpful. It covers a variety of topics, including equity, data security, programming, and data QC tips. It also serves as a place for our team to continue to post information that the TANF Data Collaborative (TDC) pilot sites found useful during our partnerships with them.
Automation + AI A Guide to Responsible and Efficient Use of Generative Tools
This video shows you how to get started with using Generative AI tools, including Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT, in your work as public sector professionals.
Human-Centered Design Administrative Burden Scale
The Better Government Lab at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University has developed a new scale for measuring the experience of burden when accessing public benefits. They offer both a three-item scale and a single-item scale, which can be utilized for any public benefit program. The shorter scales provide a less burdensome way to measure by requiring less information from users.
Strategy Insights Into Hiring for Digital Service Teams
A report examining hiring practices, challenges, and lessons learned of digital service teams.
Management Hiring Question Bank for Digital Service Teams
A toolkit with interview questions for digital service teams hiring digital talent to leverage.
Strategy Pennsylvania Executive Order 2023-08 – Bolstering Service Delivery Through a Digital Experience Strategy
Executive Order issued by Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro bolstering service delivery through the creation of a digital experience strategy
Management Toward Sound, Explicit Theories of Change for Digital Service Teams
The Digital Service Network is publishing two essays to kick-start new (or super-charge existing) theories of change for government Digital Service teams.
Procurement A Guiding Framework to Vetting Public Sector Technology Vendors
A guiding framework to help vet technology vendors in the public sector.
Procurement Testimony to the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee on Technology Project Funding Appropriations
Waldo Jaquith from 18F gives testimony to the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee on how to efficiently appropriate money to technology projects.