Intended Audience: Local/Municipal Government: Legislative Branch
User Research What we learned from talking to 27 families about their experiences applying for child care benefits
This post explores the lessons learned and opportunities for improvement from USDR's research on families' experiences as they navigate the child care journey.
User Research User Testing for Community-Focused Design
Example of call for user experience participation from the City of St. Paul, Minnesota.
Human-Centered Design Why Governments Should Prioritize UX for Everyone
Through our research understanding the government digital service field and what workers in this field need, we want to help strengthen those existing roles and establish more pathways for promotion and career support, as well as help other teams recognize the value of these skills and create new roles.
User Research Civic Service Design Tools & Tactics
Website with various articles regarding civic service design tools and tactics, case studies, and other articles.
User Research City of St. Paul User Experience Participation Legislation
Policy from the City of Saint Paul to provide compensation to those participating in user experience research and usability testing.
Management The Move to Digital Government Requires More Than Just Tech
Processes, power and people are also crucial elements.
Management Making a Successful Shift to Digital-first Government
As they transition to providing more services online, there are ways governments can get creative working around talent shortages and entrenched bureaucracies.
Bloom Housing: Affordable housing portal
A modern system that helps people learn about, apply for, and gain access to affordable housing. Bloom Housing is an open source platform that digitizes the process of finding and applying for affordable housing, turning a time-consuming paper process into a 15 minute activity from one's smartphone or computer.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Benefits Launch Express
Created by Benefits Data Trust, Benefits Launch Express is a high-level eligibility screening and assistance finder available to Philadelphia residents. The tool screens eligibility for 29 programs and is estimated to take up to 10 minutes to complete.
Policy The Complete Financial Lives of Workers
This report explores the financial challenges faced by U.S. workers, analyzing the roles of work arrangements and public and workplace benefits in achieving financial security, while highlighting the disparities in access and effectiveness for low- and moderate-income workers.
Policy Reimagining a U.S. Benefits System That Supports All Workers: Five Key Takeaways from Public and Private Benefit Leaders
This report highlights 5 key takeaways from the Aspen Institute Financial Security Program's 2022 Benefits Forum, where 55 experts from various sectors discussed solutions for improving public and private benefits to better support workers and their families.
Human-Centered Design NYC HOME-STAT Research Insights Report
This overview journey map of street homeless outreach reflects the business process, and worker and client experience during the period January–April 2016 from initial observation, contact, case management, and placement in permanent housing. The map is displayed in eleven high-level sections, each with individual sub-level sections. Summaries and details for all the sections are presented in the subsequent pages. Each dot represents an individual or agency. Each cluster of dots represents a service interaction.