Benefits Program: SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
The Benefits Cliff Dilemma: Navigating Wage Increases and Public Benefits
The goal of the brief is to encourage policy makers and employers to consider benefits cliffs as they look to create mandatory wage increases, with a look at a legislative action in NYC.
What We Measure Matters: Enhanced Performance Metrics for SNAP and Medicaid Would Promote a More Human-Centered Delivery System
This post from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argues that the traditional measures of program performance say little about the human experience of accessing benefits, and argues for enhanced performance metrics to support more human-centered delivery.
Helping People with Low Incomes Navigate Benefit Cliffs: Lessons Learned Deploying a Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
This report details findings and lessons from a project to develop a calculator to help people anticipate how a change in earnings from employment would affect their net income and information on their estimated effective marginal tax rate.
Administrative Burdens and Economic Insecurity Among Black, Latino, and White Families
This study investigates how administrative burdens influence differential receipt of income transfers after a family member loses a job, looking at Unemployment Insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
A Safety Net with 100 Percent Participation: How Much Would Benefits Increase and Poverty Decline?
Research examining how much poverty would decrease—overall, by age, and by race and ethnicity—and how much benefits would increase if all people eligible for safety net programs received the full benefits they qualify for in each of the 50 states and DC.
Popular Support for Balancing Equity and Efficiency in Resource Allocation
This article explores how online advertising algorithms bias between Spanish and English speakers for SNAP in California.
Human-Centered, Machine-Assisted: Ethically Deploying AI to Improve the Client Experience
In this interview, Code for America staff members share how client success, data science, and qualitative research teams work together to consider the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in responding to clients who seek assistance with three products.
State broad-based categorical eligibility (BBCE) changes from 2010-2023
Screened & Scored in the District of Columbia
This report explores how automated decision-making systems are being used in one jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.
MOU for Data Sharing Between New Jersey Department of Human Services and New Jersey Department of Health
This MOU establishes data sharing protocols between New Jersey's WIC and SNAP programs.
Tackling the Time Tax: How the Federal Government Is Reducing Burdens to Accessing Critical Benefits and Services
This report summarizes progress made with agencies and members of the public to identify and reduce burdens that individuals, families, and small businesses face every day when interacting with government programs.
Hawai’i Thriving Children Strong Families Project Glossary
The Hawai'i Thriving Children Strong Families Project Glossary is a tool used to promote common understanding of core business concepts or terminologies used by the Department of Human Services' SNAP office and the Department of Health's WIC team to improve cross-program coordination and support SNAP-WIC data sharing across agencies.