Benefits Program: SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
COVID Response Project: Lessons Learned from State Adaptation and Federal Flexibilities
The COVID Response Project was funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to document the real-time impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on state human services agencies and capture state perspectives on lessons learned to guide future federal policymaking and state implementation. The project was completed by the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Regional Operations. Insights from the report reflect information obtained through APHSA’s on-going support of state human services agencies’ COVID-19 response efforts as well as a series of in-depth interviews with executive leadership of the 14 state health and human services agencies in ACF’s Region 1 (New England) and Region 4 (Southeast) areas.
Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports
Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports (CSNS) is a cohort program funded by Share Our Strength, No Kid Hungry and administered by the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) with the goal of aligning the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with other federal, state, and local nutrition supports to combat childhood hunger.
Benefits of Interoperability in the Health & Human Services System
The A-87 Exception presents a unique opportunity to transform the health and human services delivery system. It delivers an integrated funding mechanism which allows good business design to apply across a broad range of programs and services. It also provides benefits to states, customers, and federal partners, ranging from cost containment, to improved customer service, enhanced security and privacy, program integrity, and better outcomes for children and families.
Aligning Systems to Advance Family and Community Well-Being: A Partnership Playbook for Community Action and Human Services Agencies
This playbook outlines the ways Community Action and human services agencies worked together to meet the pandemic challenge—what worked well, obstacles and difficulties, and lessons learned to inform the path forward, partnering to achieve a more equitable recovery. It also explains how communities have leveraged opportunities to partner on approaches that hold the promise of deeper, longer lasting changes for families—work shaped by families’ wishes and strengths and designed to advance both family-level and systems-level change.
5 Things to Know About SNAP Employment & Training
This resource provides an overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) program, highlighting state implementation strategies, funding mechanisms, and policy opportunities to strengthen workforce participation among SNAP recipients.
Using Human-Centered Design to Integrate Benefit Applications
This guide illustrates how agencies can use human-centered-design practices to revise and integrate benefits applications.
Tools to Manage and Share Content
This primer introduces two foundational software types that can support organizations that are committed to accessible benefits information: content management systems (CMS) and application program interfaces (APIs).
Text to Connect: Using Text Message Outreach to Reduce SNAP Churn (Full Guide)
This guidebook aims to equip state and local agencies with the practical insights they need to develop a text messaging outreach program for SNAP recertification.
Text to Connect: Strategy + Content for Using Text Message Outreach to Reduce SNAP Churn
Focused on strategy and content, this guide offers recommendations and best practices for crafting messages, engaging clients, and obtaining consent.
Text to Connect: Planning a Text Message Program to Reduce SNAP Churn
This guide outlines how to scope and plan a text messaging program.
Text to Connect: Legal + Policy Considerations for Using Text Message Outreach to Reduce SNAP Churn
This guide is intended to provide a general overview of the national statutory and regulatory landscape governing the legality of sending large volumes of text messages and sharing client information.
Text to Connect: Evaluation of your Text Messaging Program to Reduce SNAP Churn
This guide focuses on designing an evaluation plan to assess the impact of a text messaging program.