Benefits Journey: Applying + Enrolling
Ten Ways Customer Experience Can Improve Equitable Access and System Integrity for Unemployment Insurance
This publication shares ten ways states can improve start-to-finish customer experience for unemployment insurance claimants. These approaches can increase overall equitable access and system integrity for UI administration.
2024 Edition: Account Creation and Identity Proofing in Online Public Benefits Applications
In December 2024, the Digital Benefits Network released an updated open dataset on authentication and identity proofing requirements across various public benefits applications to highlight best practices and areas for improvement in identity management.
Benefits Playbook for Designing Human-Centered Applications
By implementing these best practices, states can improve the experience of accessing essential public benefits programs.
Collaboratively Centering the “Customer Experience” in New York State: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with three staff members from the New York State Executive Chamber—Gabe Paley, Tonya Webster, and, Luke Charde to learn more about the state's efforts to improve residents’ experiences accessing government programs.
New York State Department of Health – WIC Program
The New York State WIC program website provides access to nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding/chestfeeding support, and referrals to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum individuals, infants, and children up to age five.
Governor Hochul Announces Initiative to Improve Food Benefit Access for Women, Infants and Children
Governor Kathy Hochul announced a new client feedback initiative in partnership with Code for America to improve New York's WIC program by implementing live online chat to gather input from participants, streamline enrollment, and increase access to healthy food for eligible families.
Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024: Video and Recap
The Policy2Code Prototyping Challenge explored utilizing generative AI technology to translate U.S. government policies for public benefits into plain language and code, culminating in a Demo Day where twelve teams showcased their projects for feedback and evaluation.
Friction! What Makes Getting Public Benefits So Hard and How Understanding Administrative Burdens Can Increase Access at BenCon 2024
Don Moniyhan shares specific burdens and how to measure their impacts.
Balancing Security and Customer Experience During Digital Account Creation and Authentication for Benefits Delivery at BenCon 2024
This presentation explores the balance between security and user experience in digital benefit account creation and authentication, highlighting insights from a forthcoming playbook focused on SNAP and Medicaid portals.
Takeoff Velocity and Rocket Fuel: How to Continue Forward Momentum at BenCon 2024
NYC's My File NYC and New Jersey's unemployment insurance system improvements demonstrate how successful digital innovations can be scaled across various programs, leveraging trust-building, open-source technology, and strategic partnerships.
Digital Benefits Beacons: Where Policy Meets Practice at BenCon 2024
Michigan's UIA director, Julia Dale, is leading the agency through transition by prioritizing lived experience, hope, grit, and values. Virginia's SNAP Program Manager, Michele Thomas, highlighted the success of Sun Bucks, a summer EBT child nutrition program that fed over 700,000 kids in its first year.
Digital Benefit Beacons: Where Policy Meets Practice at BenCon 2024
Michigan's UIA director, Julia Dale, is leading the agency through transition by prioritizing lived experience, hope, grit, and values. Virginia's SNAP Program Manager, Michele Thomas, highlighted the success of Sun Bucks, a summer EBT child nutrition program that fed over 700,000 kids in its first year.