Example Product Management

Roadmap Canvas Template

Roadmap template for website development based on NHS' website redevelopment.

Published Year: 2023

NHS created its new, public-facing roadmap to support those who need to understand future development plans for the site, like policy teams and external technology vendors. NHS’ process included generating summary documents for any item that might make it onto the roadmap in what they called a “roadmap item canvas”. These canvases capture the problem to be solved alongside things like the affected users, the desired outcome, alignment with NHS-wide strategies, and dependencies. Each item was then  given a value score and then sorted into a “Next/Now/Later” board. Finally, NHS published the final roadmap to its site. Not only is this a replicable process for others structuring a roadmap development process, it is also an excellent example of one of the DSN’s favorite government digital delivery best practices – working in the open.

For more details, read James Higgott’s blog post.