Resource Automation + AI Policies, Standards + Guidance

Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-Being: Principles and Best Practices for Developers and Employers

These principles and best practices for AI developers and employers to center the well-being of workers in the development and deployment of AI in the workplace and to value workers as the essential resources they are.

Published Year: 2024

As part of President Biden’s Executive Order, the Department of Labor has developed principles and best practices for AI developers and employers to center the well-being of workers in the development and deployment of AI in the workplace and to value workers as the essential resources they are, even—and especially— in a moment of technological change.

The report emphasizes the importance of worker empowerment, ethical development, transparency, and human oversight in AI systems. The report also outlines best practices for employers to protect labor rights, ensure job quality, and support workers impacted by AI, including retraining programs and responsible use of worker data.