Example Human-Centered Design User Experience + Product (UX)

MCPL Website Redesign Drafts

The folder for the Montgomery County Library Website Redesign contains draft materials, including design specifications of the current menu, an audit of menu items, and wireframes for the new homepage layout, providing a foundation for the site's improved structure and navigation.

MCPL Website Redesign General Plan

The Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) website redesign plan outlines how to improve user access to resources through inclusive design and better navigation. It also shares goals of best practices in UX design with the public library community to promote digital equity. The project involves collaboration with the MCPL Digital Strategies Team and other partners, focusing on redesigning content for early literacy, teens, and children.

MCPL Top Library Content Staff Engagement Exercise – Dot Vote

This exercise engages participants in selecting the most and least clicked website menu items by marking their choices with stickers, followed by a group review to compare assumptions with actual data. The activity is designed to challenge perceptions about website usage and gather insights to inform future website realignment based on customer needs and strategic priorities.

MCPL User Survey Materials

The folder for conducting user surveys for the Montgomery County Public Libraries website redesign includes materials such as Homepage Usability Questions and a comprehensive Website Survey. These tools are designed to gather user feedback on the homepage's functionality and overall website experience, helping inform improvements that align with user needs and expectations.

MCPL Website Redesign Drafts

The folder for the Montgomery County Library Website Redesign contains draft materials, including design specifications of the current menu, an audit of menu items, and wireframes for the new homepage layout, providing a foundation for the site's improved structure and navigation.