Topic: Race + Ethnicity
Enhancing Cultural Responsiveness in Social Service Agencies
The resource explains how to shift from cultural competence and cultural humility toward cultural responsiveness, by applying the two former approaches to deliver services rooted in respect and appreciation for the role of culture in the individual’s and family’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.
Laying New Foundations: An Anti-Racist Framework for Reimagining Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, & CCDF
This report puts forth a visionary framework with principles for anti-racist policymaking, focusing on Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, and CCDF.
Medicaid And SNAP Advance Equity But Sometimes Have Hidden Racial And Ethnic Barriers
This article explores how although SNAP and Medicaid programs have succeeded in narrowing health and nutrition disparities, certain policies hinder goals of racial and ethnic equity, even though they do not explicitly mention race or ethnicity.
Administrative Burdens and Economic Insecurity Among Black, Latino, and White Families
This study investigates how administrative burdens influence differential receipt of income transfers after a family member loses a job, looking at Unemployment Insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Re-Envisioning Medicaid & CHIP as Anti-Racist Programs
This report puts forth an anti-racist reimagining of Medicaid and CHIP that actively reckons with the racist history of the Medicaid program and offers principles and recommendations that capitalize on the transformative potential of the programs. The principles center the voices and agency of program participants and prioritize direct community involvement at all stages of the policy process.
Why All Guaranteed Income is Narrative Work: Best Practices for Centering Dignity, Race, and Gender in Cash-Based Programs
This guide and set of best practices was created to help leaders of new and existing guaranteed income projects to thoughtfully narrate their work.
Re-Envisioning TANF: Toward an Anti-Racist Program That Meaningfully Serves Families
An America where no one experiences poverty is possible. Already, the U.S. has programs with the potential to make this vision a reality, including programs that provide cash assistance, like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The current TANF program provides very little cash assistance and is marked by stark racial disparities, but it has the potential to reduce child poverty, increase economic security, and advance racial equity. This report offers a vision for an anti-racist approach to the TANF program, with new statutory goals and policy recommendations to advance racial justice.
States Can Reduce Medicaid’s Administrative Burdens to Advance Health and Racial Equity
This report outlines strategies to reduce administrative burdens and expand Medicaid participation and advance racial and health equity. The report also offers historical context on Medicaid eligibility.
The New Practice Lab’s Racial Equity Framework
New America’s New Practice Lab discusses insights into racial inequities within the Unemployment Insurance System, and provides recommendations its framework for rectifying inequality in policies and programs moving forward.
Researching Inequities in a Public Benefits Program with a Racial Equity Framework, 7 Takeaways
The New Practice Lab partnered with students of the Stanford Public Interest Technology (PIT) Lab to understand how the Racial Equity Framework can shape research by actively identifying anti-Blackness, racial biases, and inequities that exist in public policy. This article documents the findings of the Stanford PIT Lab as they researched how the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) design affects communities of color.
After all these years, ‘welfare reform’ is the same racist dog whistle it always was
“Welfare reform” is often racially-coded, as it is used as a dog-whistle to propagate hostility towards poor people of color.
Study to Identify Methods to Assess Equity: Report to the President
Study by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget assessing methods for determining whether agency policies and actions create or exacerbate barriers to full and equal participation by eligible individuals. This study followed the Executive Order on racial equity.