Service Delivery Area: Workforce
Human-Centered Design Collaboratively Centering the “Customer Experience” in New York State: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with three staff members from the New York State Executive Chamber—Gabe Paley, Tonya Webster, and, Luke Charde to learn more about the state's efforts to improve residents’ experiences accessing government programs.
Human-Centered Design New York State Services
The official website for services from the State of New York.
Data Coping with Hardship
This study emphasizes the need for better tracking of gig economy data and qualitative insights, as interviews from the American Voices Project reveal how broader economic trends impacted individual lives and filled gaps during the pandemic.
Data Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency’s (UIA) Economic Dashboard
This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of underlying trends in unemployment across Michigan. It serves as an invaluable resource for understanding the impacts of unemployment on various industries, occupations, and communities. By providing detailed insights into sectors experiencing layoffs, claimant demographics, and the regions most affected, the dashboard equips us with the data needed to develop targeted solutions tailored to the needs of Michiganders.
Procurement California Employment Development Department: Identity Proofing Demonstration Day Flyer
This flyer provides an overview of CA EDD's Identity Proofing Demo Day approach and agenda.
Digital Identity California Employment Development Department: Identity Proofing Questions for Vendors
This artifact shows questions that the California EDD asked identity proofing vendors to respond to during a 2023 technology acquisition process.
Procurement California Employment Development Department: Identity Proofing Demo Day Presentation
This 2023 presentation from the California Employment Development Department details the user personas the agency used to evaluate vendor proposals for a new identity proofing contract.
Digital Identity California Employment Development Department: User Persona Scoring
This scoring matrix from the California Employment Development Department (EDD) shows how the agency evaluated vendor proposals for a new identity proofing approach, based on vendors' ability to serve different user personas.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Mass Layoff in Maine: Lessons Learned from the Maine Department of Labor and Peer Workforce Navigators
This report explores the Maine Department of Labor’s (MDOL) remarkable response to this layoff through collaboration with the Peer Workforce Navigator project—a coalition of community-based organizations in partnership with the MDOL—which made a huge difference in the lives of these laid off workers. The report also examines aspects of the state’s unemployment insurance (UI) system that might be improved to account for similar situations in the future.
Communications Unemployment Insurance Email Template Kit v1.0
This kit contains a collection of styles, components, and building blocks to quickly create action-forward emails for Unemployment Insurance programs within the U.S.
Change Management People-Centered HR in the City of Boston: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Boston’s new Chief People Officer, Alex Lawrence, to understand how the City is transforming its approach to people management.
Human-Centered Design Unemployment Insurance Equitable Access Toolkit
The Unemployment Insurance Equitable Access Toolkit contains common equity recommendations, promising practices, and insights, represented visually as a different floor of an agency office building, compiled in one interactive document.